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Ambihtlicu Cīnisc sprǣc

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Ambihtlicu Cīnisc sprǣc
Ambihtlic Stede
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in  Cīna
Sprǣce Begīemung
ISO 639-6 huyu
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Sēo Ambihtlice Cīnisce sprǣc (on Nīƿum Englisce hāteþ Mandarin Chinese) is sēo gesprecenoste sprǣc on Cīne. Ēac, hit is sprǣc mid þǣm mǣstan rīme mōdorsprecera on eallre þǣre ƿorulde. Hit hæfþ nēan 1 þūsend þūsenda þūsenda sprecera.[1]


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Se stæfcræft Ambihtlices Cīnisces is hƿæthƿega gelīc þǣm Nīƿes Englisces. Tō bysene, on Nīƿum Englisce and on Ambihtlicum Cīnisce gelīce cumaþ þā nemniedlican ƿord formest, and þǣræfter stent þæt ƿeorcƿord, and þæræfter se æfterra dæl. Þus ᛬

  • (Niƿum Englisce) ᛬ He loves his mother.
  • (Ambihtlicum Cinisce) ᛬ Tā ài tā de māma.
  • (Englisce) ᛬ hē lufaþ his mōdor

Understand þæt sēo Cīnisce ƿrītung is hēr þǣre on Ambihtlican Cīniscan Lǣdnan Ƿrītunge, ǣr þonne on Cīniscum biliþstafum.

Naþȳlæs, Nīƿe Englisc (and Englisc) and Cīnisc ne sind gesibb, and oft hīe dōþ ōðerlīce. Tō bysene ᛬

  • (Ambihtlicum Cīnisce) ᛬ Nà shì wǒ míngtiān kàn de nánrén.
  • (Englisce - ƿord under ƿorde) ᛬ þæt is ic gēostrandæg seah of ƿer.

Mann aƿendeþ þis þus ᛬ (Englisce) ᛬ Þæt is se ƿer þone þe ic sēah gēostrandæg. (Nīƿum Englisce) ᛬ That's the man (who) I saw yesterday