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2010 FIFA Woruldceampscipe

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Ƿǣre 2010 FIFA Ƿoruld Ceampscipe tācn

Se 2010 FIFA Ƿoruld Ceampscipe ƿierþ se 19þ FIFA Ƿoruld Ceampscipe bēon, geondþēodlic fōtball indryhtucamp, þe betƿēonan 11 Sēremōnaþ and 11 Mǣdmōnaþ gelimpeþ in Sūþaffrican. Se biþ fyrst Ƿoruld Ceampscipe in ǣnig Affricaniscum lande. Spēonland nōmon sige ofer þǣm Niðerlandum for þǣm ceampscipe.

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2011 FIFA Frēona Ƿoruldceampscipe