Æppelcyrnel (wǣpen)

Æppelcyrnel (on Nīƿenglisce hātte grenade) is lytel aberstende ƿǣpen þe mann ƿierpþ. Æppelcyrnelrincas bysgaþ hīe selfe ānlīce mid æppelcyrnelum. Hīe sind oftost þurh hand geƿorpen (þis gecynd æppelcyrneles hāteþ mann "handæppelcyrnel"), ac sume heora ƿierpþ mann þurh æppelcyrnelƿeorpend. Æppelcyrnelƿeorpendas ƿeorpaþ æppelcyrnelas mid mā sƿiftnesse and ƿeorpaþ rihtor.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]On Nīwenglisce hātton æppelcyrnelas "grenades", þe cymþ fram Frenciscum ƿorde "grenade", þe tācnaþ æppelcyrnel. Hīe ƿǣron þus gehāten for heora gesceape and heora anginne.[1] Ēac, þǣr æppelcyrnlas ƿeorðaþ oferlīce rīpe, tōberstaþ hīe tō ƿeorpenne heora sǣd on grēate brǣdo.