Ælfrīc Abbod of Egoneshame
Ælfrīc wæs munuc and mæssepreost and mǣre lārtoga and grammaticere. He wæs mununc in Wintanceastre mynster and abbod in Cernle and æfterweard in Egoneshames mynster.
Ælfric wrāt:
- Ic Ælfríc, munuc and mæssepreost ... wearþ asend, on Æðelredes dæge cyninges, fram Ælfeage biscope, Aðelwoldes æftergengan, to sumum mynstre, ðe is Cernel gehaten, þurh Æðelmæres bene ðæs þegenes
Manig bēc wrāt Ælfric. He wæs cneord writere and tudor se wrat in Englisce and his bec wæron on manigfealdum þingum: halgaracan and halgungbec, larspellas and anwrigenyssa. He onwendede þære Biblioþecan ærstan bec and þa Godspellas.
Oft hat he 'Ælfric Grammaticere' for his bec 'Grammaticus oððe 'Ælfric Larspellwritere'. Man aliefð ðe Ælfric wæs Englaþeodes mæsta writere of his ielde.
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .