- For ōðrum brȳcum, sēo Æcs (scīrung).
Sēo æcs is ealdorlic and eallic tōl þe ƿæs gebrȳced þūsendum gēara tō scieppenne, tō clēofenne and snīðenne ƿudu, tō gadrienne timber, sƿā ƿǣpen, and sƿā geƿuna and mǣrsiende tācen. Sēo æcs hæfþ fela andƿlitena and betǣhtena brȳca, ac gemǣnelīce is æcs on æcshēafod mid handlan, oþþe helfe.
Þā ǣrestan bisena æcsa habbaþ stǣnenu hēafodu mid sumum cynne trīeƿenre handlan, þe is gefēged in behēfum ƿege mid gehendum timbrum and brȳcum. Æcsa þe sind cyperena, īsena, stīela, ƿǣron gesegen sƿā þā ƿeorccræftas grēoƿon.
Mǣst gengra æcsa habbaþ stīelenu hēafodu and ƿuduhandlan (oft ƿealhhnututrēoƿ), þēah plastisca oþþe strengglæsena handlan ne sind ungemǣne. Genga æcsa sind gesealda æfter brȳce, micelnesse, and andƿlitan. Geclofena æcsa mid sceortum handlum, þe ƿǣron gemacod tō brūcenne mid ānre handa, oft handæcsa gehāten, ac þæt ƿord handæcs ēac spricþ ymbe æcsa būtan handlum ēac. Handæcsa ƿillaþ oft bēon smalla mid hamore on hindeman sīdan.