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Æðelgȳðe Ellendǣda on Wundorlande

Fram Wikipǣdian
Ceasterscīr Catt

Æðelgȳðe Ellendǣda on Ƿundorlande biþ bōc ƿriten on 1865 fram Hlóðƿíg Carroll (lygenama gebyrdƿítegan Englalandes Charles Lutƿidge Dodgson). Sēo bið elftalu gefremed niƿan and geƿendan to manegum sprǣċum geinniende Englisc and Goþisc.

On sēo Englisc lǣdness se ƿealhstod (Peter S. Baker) inbelǣded manega níƿan ƿorda.

Sēo bōc þēah mǣned sƿa ċildrum bōc on manigum fram oðrum ċildrum talum. Edlesendlīce lytel dǣdum ymbhafaþ. Gesprǣc maciað þǣre bōce māra dāl and hīe sprǣcon ymb sprǣċe, burhsprǣċe, ānnese and brægencræft: gescēad ǣgðer ge geƿit ge ungeƿit. Þæt lufe Dodgsuna gebyrdƿiglærīce and flítcræftlīce rǣdelse getǣhteð.

Ungeƿit is middelandtimber bēces. Sƿa Ceasterscīr Catt tō Æðelgȳðe cƿeþeþ: "Hēr ƿē ealle bēoþ ƿōde. Iċ eom ƿōd. Þǖ eart ƿōd." Tō acsung Æðelgȳðes hū Ceasterscīr Catt þæt ƿite hē andsƿarie: "Þū mōte bēon oþþe hƿȳ cƿōne þū hider?" Þæt ne Þūhte Æðelgȳðe Þæt Þæt āfandod ƿǣre tō āhte and sēo spræc: "And hū ƿǣst þu Þæt Þū ƿōd sīe?"

níƿa ƿorda inbelǣded on sēo Englisce lǽdnesse bēċ

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
ah Northumbrian form of ac
am Northumbrian form of eom
arm Northumbrian form of earm
æfterátíefredlic adj photocopied; reprographic
bæþcræt n. bathing machine
besma m. paintbrush (litt. besom; broom)
bíetlgamen n. croquet
bíetlgamenfeld m. croquet-ground
bíetlgamenþoðor m. croquet ball
blæcing blacking
blóstmfæt n. flowerpot
bócgetæl n. catalog of books
bócsscylf m. bookshelf
gebrægd m. trick (litt. deceit)
brægenléas adj. lacking a brain
brægentéona m. injury to the brain
broþ n. soup (litt. broth)
byrdlingbroþ n. turtle-soup
cattcin little cat
corintberie f. currant
crabƿiff n. female crab
discscealu f. plate
dǣs Northumbrian form of déþ
dómere m. juryman (litt. judge)
éaglasu n. pl. eyeglasses
éacræft m. oceanography
earnincel m. eaglet
eorþhund m. terrier
eortlár f. geography
fann f. fan (litt. flail)
fannian wv 2. fan (litt. winnow)
fǣging f. being doomed
felalang adj. very long
feorhnest n. life-sustaining sustenance
féðeþéoƿ n. footman
finnig adj. furnished with fins
fiscincel little fish; shrimp
fisc-þéoƿ m. Fish-servant
frose -þéoƿ m. Frog-servant
geolu æppel m. orange
gúþsteort m. battle-tail
hætƿyrhta m. hatter
healstán m. pie-crust (litt. flat cake; crust)
héaƿung f. cutting
hláfseax n. breadknife
Hlȳdhara m. March bare
holmƿiht f. sea-creature
hunigƿell m. honey-well
hƿisprung f. purring (litt. whispering; murmuring)
lagustæþ n. sea.shore
lícas Northumbrian form of lícaþ
lígetlic adj. electronic
lopusthleapung f. Lobster-Quadtille
lygebyrdling m. mock-turtle
lygebyrdlingbroþ n. mock-turtle soup
mánfeldnes f. Infertility of fields
mappa m. map
mæting f. dreaming (litt. dream)
meolcdisc n. saucer of milk
módbend m. mental bond
gemátflit n. caucus-race
Níƿe Sǣland n. New Zealand
Numeðe the Numidians
onfengnes f. acceptance
Péne the Carthaginians
rǣdƿægn m. passenger vebicle (litt. vehicle)
récsceaft m. chimney
Scipia Scipio Africanus
scólcleofa m. schoolroom
seglcláþ m. sail-cloth; canvas
seldcúþlícor adv. comp. curiouser
senepgedelf n. mustard mine
smearcung f. smile
some Northumbrian form of same
stæþcræft m. Shore-science
suflmete m. pie (litt. anything used to flavour bread)
sundléas adj. unable to swim
Súðland n. Australia
sƿefncild n. dream-child
syde m. jam (litt. decoction)
téarpól m. pool of tears
tídgemet n. timepiece
tódodollicnes f. additional foolishness
tógicenes f. additiona1 itching
tungolfisc m. starfish
geþryccan wv. 1 print (litt. press; oppress)
unþéaƿfæstnes f. ntdeness
ƿǣgfærend m. sea-voyager
ƿæterléod m. sea-creature; fish
geƿídmǣrsa m. publisher
geƿídmǣrsian wv. 2 publish
ƿídmǣrsung f. edition
ƿriðing f. writhing (litt. binding)
ƿundorliþ n. wondrous limb
ȳþceosel m. beach-sand