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WILCUME! Þis is seo Englisce Wikipedia.

Þeos Wikipædia hæfþ 4,471 gewrita


Her man mæg findan cyþþe be manigum þingum geond middangeard, gewriten on ealdra Engla gereorde, þe Englisc hatte. Wearnung: Gewit þu heonan gif þu Ænglisc leornian wille, for þon þe þæt Englisc her on biþ oftost swiðe yfel. Swelce twegen menn cunnon Englisc wel and hie nyllaþ þas stowe gebetan.

Please refer to the Grammar and Writing style guide and Old English self-correction checklist when contributing to the Old English Wikipedia.

  • Gewritu be þæm Englum
  • Missenlicu gewritu
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Gecorene gemynddagas

17. dæg Searmonðes:

Vlad III Stacende

  • 1462 – Þreat þærof ƿæs Vlad III Dracula Ƿallachie þēoden (on biliþe) onsæcede Oþomanisc hereƿic æt niht þe hie meahtan slean Mehmed II.
  • 1631Mumtaz Mahal, seo ƿæs cƿēn þæs Mughal casere Sciah Geahan, died in cildbirth and Geahan spent þa niehstan seofentiene gearas constructing her mausoleum, the Taj Mahal.
  • 1861Americanisce Ingefeoht: The Battle of Vienna, Virginia, took place, which involved one of the earliest military movements of troops by train in the world.
  • 1963 – Ymbe 2,000 menn rioted in Sūþfietnam, despite the signing of the Joint Communique to resolve the ongoing Buddhist crisis one day earlier.
  • 1991 – The Sūþaffricanisca Ƿitenagemōt tōƿendeda þā Population Registration Act, þā bæde þe ælce oneardiend of Sūþaffrican biþ aƿiten in nambēc be cynne se ƿæs part of the system of asundrodnesse on þǣm lande.
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