Witch Hunter Robin
(Edlǣded of Witch Hunter Robin/ᚱᚢᚾ)
Witch Hunter Robin (hātte Ƿiccehuntestre Robin on Ealdum Englisce) is Iapanisc anime endebyrdnes macod bȳ Sunrise. Sēo spricþ ymbe þā lār STN-J, se Iapanisc dǣl rūnisces ƿoruldƿīdes clīeƿenes þe hātte SOLOMON, þe ƿiþ unƿicunge fieht, brucende cyþþugaderunge hƿæs habbaþ þā mihte ƿiccecræftes, sƿā þæt magon hīe him cƿellan, gif āƿecce hiera mihte. Robin Sena of þǣm STN-J is se mægn mann þǣre endebyrdnesse.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Robin Sena is "cræftbrūcestre," in Iapane geboren and in Italien rǣred. Hēo ƿenede tō brucenne hire cræft, þe biþ fȳr, tō huntenne ƿiccan. In þǣre endebyrdnesse Ƿiccehuntestre Robines, ƿiccecræft is genetiscu mearcung, þe slǣpeþ in sumum menn in þǣm menniscum burgƿare. Man mæg þā mihte āƿeccan in þǣm menniscum "sǣd" æt ǣnigum tīde.