Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/23 Solmonaþ
23. dæg Solmonþes: Þæs Cāseres Cennungdæg on Iapanfolce; Mōdorland Andfengena Dæg on Russum (1918), Cyneƿīsan Dæg in Guyanan, (1970).
- 1455 - Iohannes Gutenberg in Mayence ongann mǣlan þā Gutenberges Biblioþecan.
- 1893 - Rudolf Diesel afeng opengeƿrit for þǣm diesel engine.
- 1903 - Guantanamo Byht in Cuban ālǣnde man ēce tō þǣm Geānedum Rīcum.
- 1947 - The International Organization for Standardization ƿæs gestaðelod. It is responsible for worldwide industrial and commercial ISO standards.