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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/17 Haligmonað

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[adiht fruman]

Bryce AN biliþ on ælc cyrre


[adiht fruman]
Blurb Reason
1787 – The text of the United States Constitution was finalized at the Philadelphia Convention. refimprove section
1809 – The Treaty of Fredrikshamn concluded the Finnish War between Russia and Sweden, with present-day Finland becoming an autonomous Grand Duchy under Tsar Alexander I. Tagged with {{No footnotes}}
1894 – The Imperial Japanese Navy defeated the Beiyang Fleet of Qing China in the Battle of the Yalu River at the mouth of the Yalu River in Korea Bay, the largest naval engagement of the First Sino-Japanese War. needs more footnotes
1916World War I: "The Red Baron", a flying ace of the German Luftstreitkräfte, won his first aerial combat near Cambrai, France. Featured on April 21
1944Second World War: The Allies began Operation Market Garden, the largest airborne operation up to that time. refimprove
1978 – Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Accords after twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David. refimprove section


[adiht fruman]
  • 1176Byzantine–Seljuk wars: The Seljuk Turks prevented the Byzantines from taking the interior of Anatolia at the Battle of Myriokephalon in Phrygia.
  • 1630Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony founded the city of Boston.
  • 1775American Revolutionary War: The Continental Army under Richard Montgomery began the Siege of Fort St. Jean in the British province of Quebec.
  • 1859 – Disgruntled with the legal and political structures of the United States, Joshua Norton distributed letters to various newspapers in San Francisco, proclaiming himself Emperor Norton.
  • 1939World War II: The Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, sixteen days after Nazi Germany's attack on that country from the west.
  • 1939Second World War: The Royal Navy lost its first warship in the war when German submarine U-29 torpedoed and sank Bysen:HMS.
  • 1948 – Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by the militant Zionist group Lehi.
  • Operation Berlin (Arnhem)/Battle of Arnhem are featured on September 25, so Operation Market Garden should not appear in the same year.
  • Gdańsk Agreement/1982 demonstrations in Poland are featured on August 31, so Solidarity should not appear in the same year 17. dæg Haligmonðes: Grundsetnes Dæg in þāra Geāndum Rīcum American
    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman
  • 1716Jean Thurel Frencisc ƿiga ƿeard ƿiga in þæm Régiment de Touraine æt 17 ƿintra ylde, and ongann campdōme se ƿold læstan 90 ƿinter.
  • 1849Harriet Tubman þēoƿ (on biliþe) ætfleah and hƿilum ƿeard hie mǣre þe heo fultemode mar þon 70 oþer þēoƿas to ætbredenne be þæm the "Undergrund Rāde".
  • 1862Americanisc Ingefeoht: Ælmæst 23,000 total casualties were suffered at the Antietam Beadƿe neah Sharpsburg on Marialand, þær feahton Geþofted and Gædes ƿigan to þæm stede þe mōt nān geƿinnan.
  • 1976Enterprise, se forma Rodorsceaþel getimbrod for NASA, ƿæs abroheted ūt þæm manufacturing ƿyhthūse in Palmdale on Californie.
  • 1980Solidarnosc se Polisca ƿyrhtan gild ƿurde gestaþoled and ƿæs se ærresta independent ƿyrhtan gild in a Sofiet-bloc lande.
  • 2006Mass protests across Hungary erupted æfter þe man gelearned þe Ferenc Gyurcsány Forma Þegn hæfde gesæd in private speech þe his Ungarisc Socialist Party hæfde lied to geƿinnenne þa 2006 election.