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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/15 Weodmonað

Fram Wikipǣdian

15. dæg Weodmonðes : Sige ofer Iapan Dæg (1945); Sundorrīcesdæg in Norðum Corean & Sūðum Corean (1945), Indian (1947), and þǣre Congoiscan Cyneƿīsan (1960); Flōd þæs Nīl in Ægypte.

Ignatius Loiolan

  • 778Francisc here, gelǣdd fram Rolande, ƿæs sigelēas in þǣre Roncevaux Nireƿett Sæcce, and sƿylc spell is eft getealde in Hruodlandes sang se is Eald Frencisc lēoþ.
  • 1248 – Sēo Grundƿeall þǣre Colnes Hēafodcirican, getimbrod sƿa scrīne for þǣm hālignesse þāra Þrēora Tungolƿītegan, ƿæs gelecged. Sƿylc geƿeorce fulendod in 1880.
  • 1534Ignatius of Loyola and siexe munucas æt Montmartre nēah Paris took the vows that led to the staðol þæs Iesusgyldes.
  • 1914 – Se Panama Gedelft opnede to scipum, se arēdode scortƿeg fram þǣm Ƿestsǣ to þǣm Sericus Gārsecge.