Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/4 Weodmonað
4. dæg Weodmonðes :
- 1578 - Sebastian Portugles Cyning cƿanc on þǣm ƿælfede in þǣre beadƿe æt Alcazarquivir, and æfter þǣm ƿæs hūs sæc.
- 1790 - Nīƿlice gebanned toll gesetnes in þǣm Geānedan Rīcum American astaþoled þā Gafolscip Þegnunge.
- 1914 - Ǣrest Ƿoruldgūþ : Fullende þone 1839 Lunden Foreƿeard, anemnod þæt Geānede Cynerīce ƿig ƿið on Germanie forþǣm þe Germaniaƿare hæfde onsƿogen in Belgice.
- 1964 - Tonkinbyht Incident: Tƿegen adieldendscip þæs Geānedan Rīca Scipheres onsæc man, sƿa sǣd man, be Norþfietnamiscum þreate in Tonkinbyht.
- 1983 - Sƿīca læd be Blaise Compaorē sceap Thomas Sankara Hēa Foltan Foresittend.