Wikipǣdia:Hū tō ādihtenne tramet
(Edlǣded of Wikipǣdia:Hú tó ádihtenne tramet)
Ymbe Wrītunge
[adihtan fruman]Gif þū wilt wrītan in þǣm Wicipēdian, folgie þās regolas:
- Brūc West-Seaxisce rihte wrītunge, mid þǣm stæfe "ie/īe" ne "y/ȳ." Brūc "gang" oþþe "mann" ne "gong" oþþe "monn." Brūc þā word swā gefunden in þǣre wordbēc.
- Ne scortie þā endunga worda. Wrīt "bīteþ" oþþe "biddeþ" ne "bītt." Ne brūc "gesett" ac "geseted."
- Brūc wrēgendlice fornaman, "ūsic," "ēowic," "mec," and "þec."
- Brūc twifornaman "wit" and "git" swā fela swā þu canst.
- Brūc þ for þǣm sōne "theta" and ð for þǣm sōne "that."
- Endunga: brūc -ung swā wīflice ǣnlīce (and instance of x-ing), and -ing swā werlic ǣnlīce (suna sumes mannes). Brūc -oþ swā þā werlican endunge (the act of x-ing).
- Gif þu word ne finde in þǣre wordbēc, macie hit mid Engliscum wordum, ne mid Lǣdeniscum oþþe Frenciscum (gif þu cunne).
- Hwonne þu wrītest gewrit, brūc "nemniendlicne casum" (ne āgniendlicne, forgifendlicne, oþþe wrēgendlicne) and ānfeald, ne manigfeald hwonne þu canst.
- Hwonne þu brūcst bebēodendlic gemet, wrīt ānfealde (mid "þu" and wiþūtan endunge oþþe wiþ "-e") for ānum menn, and manigfealde (mid "gē" wiþ "-aþ" swā endunge) for manigum mannum.
- Hwonne þu wrītst bendas, and þā naman ne sind in nemniendlicum case, wrīt [[nemniendlic_casus_þæs_naman|nīedlicne_casum_þæs_naman]].
- Ne ādiht þā brūcertrametas (tō bēonne ēaðmōdlic), ac brūc þā gesprectrametas for þǣm.
- Þu wilt gangas, swā onlīcnessa, hladan? Gōd! Hlad hīe! Ac, ǣr þǣm þe þu hlædst, ārecc þone naman þæs ganges on Englisc, þonne hlad hine.
[adihtan fruman]- Sete onlīcnesse in þǣm tramete, ac ne mid bendum.
Bendas and URLs
[adihtan fruman]- URLs tō ūtanweardum sīdum sind OK