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Wikipǣdia:Hū tō ādihtenne tramet

Fram Wikipǣdian

Ymbe Wrītunge

[adihtan fruman]

Gif þū wilt wrītan in þǣm Wicipēdian, folgie þās regolas:

  1. Brūc West-Seaxisce rihte wrītunge, mid þǣm stæfe "ie/īe" ne "y/ȳ." Brūc "gang" oþþe "mann" ne "gong" oþþe "monn." Brūc þā word swā gefunden in þǣre wordbēc.
  2. Ne scortie þā endunga worda. Wrīt "bīteþ" oþþe "biddeþ" ne "bītt." Ne brūc "gesett" ac "geseted."
  3. Brūc wrēgendlice fornaman, "ūsic," "ēowic," "mec," and "þec."
  4. Brūc twifornaman "wit" and "git" swā fela swā þu canst.
  5. Brūc þ for þǣm sōne "theta" and ð for þǣm sōne "that."
  6. Endunga: brūc -ung swā wīflice ǣnlīce (and instance of x-ing), and -ing swā werlic ǣnlīce (suna sumes mannes). Brūc -oþ swā þā werlican endunge (the act of x-ing).
  7. Gif þu word ne finde in þǣre wordbēc, macie hit mid Engliscum wordum, ne mid Lǣdeniscum oþþe Frenciscum (gif þu cunne).
  8. Hwonne þu wrītest gewrit, brūc "nemniendlicne casum" (ne āgniendlicne, forgifendlicne, oþþe wrēgendlicne) and ānfeald, ne manigfeald hwonne þu canst.
  9. Hwonne þu brūcst bebēodendlic gemet, wrīt ānfealde (mid "þu" and wiþūtan endunge oþþe wiþ "-e") for ānum menn, and manigfealde (mid "gē" wiþ "-aþ" swā endunge) for manigum mannum.
  10. Hwonne þu wrītst bendas, and þā naman ne sind in nemniendlicum case, wrīt [[nemniendlic_casus_þæs_naman|nīedlicne_casum_þæs_naman]].
  11. Ne ādiht þā brūcertrametas (tō bēonne ēaðmōdlic), ac brūc þā gesprectrametas for þǣm.
  12. Þu wilt gangas, swā onlīcnessa, hladan? Gōd! Hlad hīe! Ac, ǣr þǣm þe þu hlædst, ārecc þone naman þæs ganges on Englisc, þonne hlad hine.


[adihtan fruman]
  1. Sete onlīcnesse in þǣm tramete, ac ne mid bendum.

Bendas and URLs

[adihtan fruman]
  1. URLs tō ūtanweardum sīdum sind OK