Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/12 Weodmonað
12. dæg Weodmonðes :
- 1099 - Sēo Forma Fare hæfþ geendod mid beadƿe æt Ascalon, and Fatiminga heras under Al-Afdal Shahanshah afliemed tō Ǣgypt.
- 1676 - John Alderman scēat and cƿealde Metacomet heafodmann þæs Wampanoag and geendode Philippes Cyninges Gūþ .
- 1851 - Isaac Singer underfōn sweotolgewrit for his sēowcræftere.
- 1953 - History of nuclear weapons: The first Soviet thermonuclear bomb, Joe 4, was detonated at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.
- 1981 - IBM inlǣdde his PC (personal computer).
- 1990 - Tyrannosaurus rex stānbān ƿearþ gefunden in Sūðum Dakotan.
- 2000 - Þæt Russisc undersǣscip Kursk sanc in þone Barents Sǣ.