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Wikipǣdia:Fulgōd gewritu

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Fulgōd ȝeƿritu in Ƿicipǣdian

Þes steorra tācnaþ þā gōdan ȝeƿritu on Ƿicipǣdian.
Þes steorra tācnaþ þā gōdan ȝeƿritu on Ƿicipǣdian.

Man þyncþ gōd ȝeƿritu tō bēonne þā betstan ȝeƿritu in Ƿicipǣdian, sƿā findaþ Ƿicibōceras. Fore hēr ƿriten bēonde, man rǣdscēaƿaþ ȝeƿritu æt fulgōdra ȝeƿrita teohhunga for ȝescēadliċhāde, middelnesse, fulnesse, and mōde bȳ ūre fulgōdra ȝeƿrita hƿætgōdnesse.

Nūliċ, þǣr sind 0 fulgōd ȝeƿritu, ealla 4,737 ȝeƿrita on þǣre Engliscan Ƿicipǣdian. Ȝeƿritu þe ne mā hƿætgōdnesse næfþ mæȝ ȝeteohhod for beterunge bēon, oþþe fornimend æt fulgōdra ȝeƿrita rǣdscēaƿunge.

Lȳtl bræs steorra (This star symbolizes the featured content on Wikipedia.) on þǣm cnollrihtum hyrne ȝeƿrites sīdes mǣnþ þæt, for uninmeldedum rǣdendum and mǣstum brūcendforeberungum, þæt ȝeƿrit fulgōd biþ. Ēac, ȝif þæt nūliċ ȝeƿrit bēo in ōðrum sprǣcfadunge fulgōd, man sēt steorran mid þǣm sprǣcsīdebende, in þǣm ȝetale on þǣre sīdan ƿinstran (sēo ēac fulgōd ȝeƿritu on ōðrum sprǣcum).

Fulgōd innung:

Fulgōdra ȝeƿrita tōl:



Awards, decorations and vexillology

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Bōccræft and þeater

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Bysiȝnes and ȝieldcræft

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Chemistry and stāncunnung

[adihtan fruman]

Cynedōm and æðeldōm

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Cynst, architecture and archaeology

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Engineering and technology

[adihtan fruman]

Eorðecunnung, eorðephysics and ƿedercræft

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Fōd and drinc

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[adihtan fruman]


[adihtan fruman]

Hǣlþ and læce

[adihtan fruman]

Indryhtu and glīƿdǣd

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Landcunnung and stedas

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[adihtan fruman]


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Physics and tungolcræft

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Politics and government

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[adihtan fruman]


[adihtan fruman]


[adihtan fruman]


[adihtan fruman]

Sprǣc and sprǣccunnung

[adihtan fruman]

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