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(Edlǣded of Weardhlaford)

Weardhlāford (Niwenglisc: Lord Protector) is nama geboren in Bretta stǣr be fēam eorlum in þāra handum cwōman þæt rīce. In þǣm Middelyldum bǣron menn þisne bīnaman ðā wǣron hwīlendlice rīceras þā hwīle þe wæs se Cyning tō geong oþðe æfweard.

Rīces Ealdorman

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Se bīnama "Weardhlāford" wæs in gēardagum sēo titul for ealdormenn se rīcode in þæs cyninges stede þā hwīle þe wæs se cyning cild.

Weardhlāfordas þā sind weorþe to genemnenne sindon:

Cromwelles Cynewīse

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Wrixel þæs Weardhlāford Cromwelles

Se Weardhlāford þære Cynewīsan Englaland, Scotland and Īrland wæs binama þæs rīceshēafdes in þære Cynewīsan ylde on Englum of 1653 oð 1659. Þes binama bāren Oliver Cromwell (Gēolmōnaþ 1653 – Haligmōnaþ 1658) and his sunu and genemned æftergenga Ricard Cromwell (Haligmōnaþ 1658 – Þrimilcemōnaþ 1659) and þēos yld hǣtt man nū Þone Wearddōm.

Se Gewrit of Weald of 1653 sæd þe—

Oliver Cromwell, se Gemǣna Hēafodman ofer Englalandes, Scotlandes and Īrlandes þrēatum, sceall bēon, and is hērbey swa genbanned, Weardhlāford of þære Cynewīsan of Englaland, Scotland and Īrland, and þāra gerēflanda þ āa belimpaþ hie, for his līfe.

Æfter Cromwelles dæge

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Siððan þā edstaþelunge nis þes bīnama gebēon genytted. Se āna gestaðoleda rīces ealdorman æfter þǣm dagum wæs Georgius Wēala Æþeling, se fēng his weald in þǣm 1811. gēare, ac hē wæs "His Cynelice Hēahnes se Æþeling Ricend". In his handum wǣron þæs cyninges weald and ealdordōm swā swā Wealdhlāfordas in ǣrrum yldum ac þæs bīnama ne mōste man nyttan for his cynelēase birgnesse.