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Fram Wikipǣdian
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en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
Ƿōden is se hēafodōs þisses brūcendes. Ne forȝiet þū þæt.
Þes brūcend is Hǣðen!
Sēcan þurh brūcendsprǣcum

Ič ábíd and ƿeorc æt norðerne Minnesóta, notung mičel mín "andƿyrdeléas tíman" ábútan dǽda þæt fela menn ȝeámasian. Óðerlícor, ič byþ unlócful mann. Sóðes! Hæfþ þú nǽniȝ þanc ymbe þæt fæstcyrtel, ȝésa?

Although many factors and obligations hinder the amount of time I can give to this project (not the least of which is a massive case of writer's block), I look forward to whatever I may be able to contribute here (even if it's something tiny).