Scypp þone tramet "Tomato tomato tomato" on þissum wiki! Seoh eac þa þing þa wæron gefunden.
- Wulfpersoc (edlæded fram Tomato)Ƿulfpersoc is ƿyrte, and se blōtsma þǣre plantan þe man mæg etan. In Middelamerican is þisses ƿæstmes fruman þǣr Spēne afundon hine. Lange ƿæs ƿulfpersoc...772 bytes (83 worda) - 02:55, 14 Æfterra Liða 2019
- Wulfpersocbroþ (edlæded fram Tomato slyppe)Ƿulfpersocbroþ is broþ fram ƿulfpersocum gemacod. Hit is oft on māra rīcran ƿistum nēotod, and mæg hāt oþþe ceald geeten bēon. Fela manna etaþ heortæppelbroþ...353 bytes (40 worda) - 23:45, 24 Eastermonað 2018