Scypp þone tramet "OS" on þissum wiki! Seoh eac þa þing þa wæron gefunden.
- Mac OS is hīred biliþƿealdbǣrra ƿeorcendebyrdnessa þā sind ƿorhta fram Apple Inc. for heora Macintosh tēame spearctellenda. Sēo ǣreste fadung ƿæs sēo namlēase...704 bytes (88 worda) - 01:56, 6 Eastermonað 2018
- AmigaOS 4 (OS4, AOS4) is Amiga æhtendebyrdcynn þe on PowerPC lytlgangendum wyrcaþ. Hit is mǣste on AmigaOS 3.1 frumaregol writen, and sum on fadunge 3...2 KB (156 worda) - 15:31, 27 Haligmonað 2023
- sunderspearctellendum - hit hæfþ mā þonne 90% þǣre cēaptōdǣlunge, þe is mā þonne seō mǣþ Mac OS, þe ƿæs geypped on þǣm 1984. gēare. Sēo nīƿoste bycgenda fadung hātte Windows...799 bytes (78 worda) - 19:09, 24 Æfterra Liða 2023
- MorphOS is spearcatella æhtendebyrdnes. Hēo is beȝen proprietary and open fruma þe man for þǣm Pegasos PowerPC (PPC) macod, mǣstum Amiga spearcatellum...2 KB (81 worda) - 15:51, 27 Haligmonað 2023
- middlene rihte betƿeox þǣm ƿeorcgeƿritum and þǣre līchamhyrste. Suma folclīca ƿeorcendebyrdnessa sind Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Android, and iOS....644 bytes (52 worda) - 02:53, 14 Æfterra Liða 2019
- searusprecenda brūcaþ sind Apples iOS, Googles Android, Microsoftes Windows Phone, and Research In Motiones BlackBerry OS, and suma Linuxes ƿeorcendebyrdnessa...851 bytes (73 worda) - 12:30, 18 Eastermonað 2018
- Darwin (æhtendebyrd) (category Mac OS X)regol fram NEXTSTEP, BSD, and ōðrum frēo hnescewaru weorcum. Darwin is Mac OS Xes and iPhone OSes staðol, and mid þǣm Ān UNIX Lagu fadunge 3 and POSIX UNIX...2 KB (144 worda) - 15:38, 27 Haligmonað 2023
- iOS is searusprecenda ƿeorcendebyrdness þe is geƿorht and asteald fram Apple Inc. Ǣrost ƿæs hit þæs 2007. gēares on folc on þǣm iPhone and on þǣm iPod...1 KB (137 worda) - 14:33, 15 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- geworht fram The Document Foundation, and is gedōn for Microsoft Windowse, OS X, Linuxe, and Androide. LibreOffice wæs geworht of OpenOffice.org and is...1 KB (57 worda) - 12:14, 25 Eastermonað 2016
- Diablo II (category OS X gamen)fōr "Dēofol." Hit ƿæs ālīesed, for ȝehƿæðer þe Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, in 2000 be Blizzard Entertainment. Dēofol II ƿæs be Blizzard Norðe macod...1 KB (121 worda) - 13:30, 25 Winterfylleð 2022
- manna spærcletellum. Sēo nīehste fadung Microsoft Windows is Windows 8. Mac OS Ubuntu Microsoft gives up on Vista, Windows 7 to launch June 2009 (2008-09-15)...2 KB (79 worda) - 01:53, 6 Eastermonað 2018
- Institui a Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica, cria os Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, e dá outras providências...955 bytes (70 worda) - 18:27, 13 Sēremōnaþ 2018
- Starcraft (category OS X gamen)spærcletelle gamen macod be Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Nintendo 64. Þæt stǣr spricþ ymbe gūþ betƿeox þrīe ƿoruldrum cynd: þā...2 KB (191 worda) - 04:06, 1 Þrimilcemonað 2018
- Starcraft II (category OS X gamen)ālīesendtīd for þǣre þrinesse. Blizzard ālīesode SteorraCræft II togædre for Mac OS X, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 on Tīƿesdæȝe, 27 Mǣdmōnþe 2010...7 KB (496 worda) - 15:58, 27 Haligmonað 2023
- Mac X ƿeorcendebyrdnesse, þone iTunes missenendebyrdnessa sēctōl, and þā iOS ƿeorcendebyrdnesse, ēac fela ōðra. Apple Inc. ƿæs gestaðolod fram Steve Jobs...801 bytes (75 worda) - 01:59, 6 Eastermonað 2018
- gereorde to oþrum. Hit sitteð on þæm webbe, ac eac bitt snill betwuxonsien for iOS ond Android, ond ān API, þæron mihtan timbreras gebryidan ymbsceawere þenninga...653 bytes (82 worda) - 16:29, 4 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- George Balanchine, Russisc dancer, choreographer, ballet producer (d. 1983) (O.S.) 1908 - Simone de Beauvoir, Frencisc author (d. 1986) 1911 - Richard Selwyn...17 KB (1,737 worda) - 13:41, 7 Hreðmonað 2016
- Diablo (gamen) (category OS X gamen)Dēofol, hātte Diablo on Nīƿum Englisce (þe is Spēonisc fōr "Dēofol"), is spærcletelle gamen fram Blizzard Norðe gemacod, and fram Blizzard Entertainment...2 KB (297 worda) - 03:35, 1 Þrimilcemonað 2018
- Diablo III (category OS X gamen)Dēofol III is spærcletelle gamen þe Blizzard Entertainment nū maciaþ, and is þæt þridde gamen Blizzardes Dēofol gamena. Man cyðodon hit on 28 Sēremōnðes...1,010 bytes (97 worda) - 13:29, 25 Winterfylleð 2022
- Ubuntu Gegyld/Wyrcend Canonical Ltd. / Ubuntu Foundation OS cynn Unixgelīc Ǣrost forþyppung 20 Winterfylleð 2004 (2004-10-20) Nīwost fæst forþyppung 13...3 KB (132 worda) - 00:40, 4 Winterfylleð 2023