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Showing results for casere. No results found for Cancre.
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  • Thumbnail for Napoleon III Francena Cāsere
    ƿæs Franclandes oþra and endmesta casere. His fader ƿæs Louis Bonaparte, and þȳ his eam ƿæs Napoleon I Francena Casere. In 1848 flīemede Loðƿic-Philippus...
    1 KB (142 worda) - 13:11, 17 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
  • Thumbnail for Petrus I Russena Cāsere
    Вели́кий) oðþe Petrus I wæs Russena Cyning and in his cynedom he nam ða titul 'Casere'. On 30. dæg Þrimilcemonðes 1672 wæs Petrus Æþeling geboren be þæm Iulianiscan...
    1 KB (139 worda) - 06:37, 10 Sēremōnaþ 2022
  • Thumbnail for Napoleon I Francena Cāsere
    ƿintrum þæs Consulatum settede Napoleon corunbeag on his hēafod sƿa Francena Casere. Hēafodgeƿrits: Napoleoniscan Gūðe, and [[]], and [[]], and [[]], and [[]]...
    6 KB (723 worda) - 20:52, 14 Æfterra Liða 2022
  • Thumbnail for Uictoria Cwēn
    Uictorīa (Alexandrīna Uictorīa; 24 Þrimilcemonað 1819 – 22 Æfterra Gēola 1901) wæs Bretta Cwēn and Indie Casere fram 28 Searmonað 1837 oþ hire deaþ in 1901....
    2 KB (25 worda) - 18:43, 4 Þrimilcemonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Georgius V Bretta Cyning
    Georgius V (Georgius Friðuric Ernst Ælfbeorht; 3 Searmonað 1865 – 20 Æfterra Gēola 1936) wæs Bretta Cyning and Indie Casere fram 1910 oð his deað in 1936....
    1 KB (26 worda) - 20:56, 30 Winterfylleð 2023
  • Thumbnail for Napoleon II
    his oðrum wif, Maria-Hloðwicg. Ðan he wæs in his cradol geaf him Napoleon Casere þone binaman 'Rom Cyning' and abead þe his sunu bið his æftergenga. In 1814...
    696 bytes (79 worda) - 07:06, 2 Gēolmōnaþ 2021
  • Thumbnail for Germanisce Rice
    Cyning his heafod and Casere. Be Germanie anlæhtunge in 1871 wæs þis rice aræred. Hit feall in Blotmonað 1918 þan Willelm II Casere adrifen of his stol...
    836 bytes (64 worda) - 18:03, 21 Sēremōnaþ 2022
  • Thumbnail for Ēadweard VII Bretta Cyning
    Ēadƿeard; 9 Blotmonað 1841 – 6 Þrimilcemonað 1910) wæs Bretta Cyning and Indie Casere fram 22. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola 1901 oð his deað in 1910. He wæs Uictorie...
    2 KB (60 worda) - 20:55, 30 Winterfylleð 2023
  • Thumbnail for Loðwic-Philippus Francena Cyning
    Franclandes endmesta cyning, oþþæt Napoleon III wæs his endemesta ānwealda, swa "Casere". Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan....
    397 bytes (34 worda) - 08:59, 4 Winterfylleð 2021
  • Thumbnail for Georgius VI Bretta Cyning
    his deað in 1952 and he ricsode þurh þa Oðru Woruldguð. Eac wæs he Indie Casere oþ þæs rices sundorricedom in 1947. His fæder wæs Georgius V Bretta Cyning...
    1 KB (68 worda) - 21:34, 8 Solmonað 2022
  • Thumbnail for Pertinax
    for ðrim monðe fram þæm Æfter Geola oþ Hreðmonðe and he weard se ærresta Casere in þæm Fif Casera Geare. Pertinax wæs heres gerefa se feahte in þæm Remiscan–Parþisc...
    764 bytes (78 worda) - 19:27, 28 Hreðmonað 2022
  • Thumbnail for Carl Micela Francena Cyning
    he ōþre cynebēaȝ and ƿeard Rōmes Casere, hƿǣrof heald hē þone stōl oþ his dēaðe on 814: hē ƿæs sē ǣrrsta þe ƿæs casere on þǣm ƿesternum rīce æfter Rōm...
    954 bytes (126 worda) - 08:57, 4 Winterfylleð 2021
  • Thumbnail for Macrinus
    heretoga se ricsode swa Casere for anum wintre. He ricsode fram Eastermonað 217 oð Seremonað 218 æfter he ofsloh Caracallan Casere. Marcus wæs geborne in...
    1 KB (104 worda) - 22:36, 17 Blotmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Petrus II Russena Casere
    Petrus II Alexing wæs Russena Casere se fang to rice in 1727 and ricsode oþ his deaþe in 1730. Næfre heald he weroldrice forðæm ðe he wæs bearn in his...
    701 bytes (71 worda) - 16:48, 15 Eastermonað 2023
  • Thumbnail for Ēadweard VIII Bretta Cyning
    23 Sēarmōnað 1894 – 28 Þrimilcemōnað 1972) wæs Bretta Cyning and Indie Casere for endleofen monaþum in 1936. He wæs se ieldsta sunu to Georgie V Cyning...
    2 KB (104 worda) - 20:54, 30 Winterfylleð 2023
  • Thumbnail for Belisarius
    Βελισάριος) wæs Remisc heretogo se þegnde under Iustinianus I Constantinopolis Casere. Ymbe þæm geare 500 wæs he geboren in Germaneia þære byrig se is in Datie...
    812 bytes (92 worda) - 19:46, 15 Gēolmōnaþ 2021
  • þrim ƿiþfeohtum ƿiþ Frenciscum cyningum of Englalande. Hē þegnede for þǣm Casere of Constantinopolis in þǣm Ƿæringa Ƿeard æt Constantinopolis and ƿæs campealdor...
    6 KB (625 worda) - 14:40, 25 Þrimilcemonað 2022
  • Thumbnail for Osgar I Swēona Cyning
    ƿæs sē ǣrrsta ƿealdend þæs Bernadotte Hūs, þæt heoldeþ þone Sƿēona cynedōm tōdæg. Osgar hæfde his naman of his biscopfæder, Napoleon I Francena Casere....
    2 KB (76 worda) - 01:19, 30 Haligmonað 2021
  • Thumbnail for Odda I Hālig Romanisc Cāsere
    Odda wæs Eastfrancena Cyning fram 936 and se Haliga Romanisca Casere fram 962 oþ his deaþe in 973. He was Heanrices Fugleres Cyninges ieldsta sunu mid...
    1 KB (68 worda) - 06:27, 5 Haligmonað 2022
  • Thumbnail for Nicholas II Russena Casere
    Þrimilcemonðes 1896 Foregenga Alexander III Fæder Alexander III Russena Casere Modor Maria Feodorovna Geboren 18 Þrimilcemonað 1868 Pushkin Deaþ 17 Mædmonað...
    626 bytes (21 worda) - 12:40, 12 Sēremōnaþ 2024
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