Showing results for burg. No results found for Bujo.
Scypp þone tramet "Bujo" on þissum wiki! Seoh eac þa þing þa wæron gefunden.
- Burg is bemetendlīce grēat and gelǣstende būend. Þēah menn ne ancordaþ ymb hū burg is tōmearcod fram tūne innan Engliscum andgietum, maniga byrig habbaþ...2 KB (204 worda) - 10:32, 24 Sēremōnaþ 2022
- Niweoforwicburg (edlæded fram Nīwe Eoforwīc Burg)Sēo Burg Nīƿeoforƿīces is sēo mǣste burg þāra Geāndena Rīca American. Hiere burgealdor tōdæg is Eric Adams. Tōforan þǣm 2001. gēare ƿæs Nīƿeoforƿīcbyrig...6 KB (118 worda) - 18:24, 2 Hreðmonað 2024
- Bancorena burg. Bancorena burg, Nīwe Sūþwealas Bancorena burg, Nova Scotia Bancorena burg, Ontario Bancorena burg, Ēadweard Æðeling Īegland Bancorena burg (burg)...2 KB (182 worda) - 00:36, 18 Æfterra Liða 2013
- Brandenburg (Germanisc: Brandenburg an der Havel) is burg in Germanie and ligþ on þǣre Hæfle. Brandenburg hæfþ 75,000 burglēoda. Þis gewrit is stycce....344 bytes (30 worda) - 21:09, 27 Blotmonað 2020
- Baðanceaster (edlæded fram Acemannes burg)Baðanceaster is sēo burg in Sumorsǣtum, Englalande. On Englisce, is sēo ēac Acemannes burg oþþe Acemannes ceaster gehāten. Þēos burg is cūþ for hire baðum...501 bytes (42 worda) - 20:20, 3 Þrimilcemonað 2020
- Ho Chi Minh Burg (Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) is mǣste burg in Fietnam. Be 2010 lēodtele, hīe habbaþ 7,403,244 þorpƿare. Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie...280 bytes (32 worda) - 06:05, 28 Haligmonað 2015
- on sūþēaseternre Asie. Hēo ligþ sūð betƿuh Cīne, Laolande, Cambodie and þǣre Sūþcīnasǣ. His hēafodstōl is Hanoi, and his mǣst burg is Ho Chi Minh Burg....839 bytes (29 worda) - 12:52, 6 Þrimilcemonað 2023
- Aucland (edlæded fram Auckland burg)burgstede, on þǣre Norþīege Nīƿes Sǣlandes, is sēo miceloste and folcƿēligsote burg on Nīƿum Sǣlande, mid hēafodrīme þe cymþ nēah 1.4 þūsende þūsenda, þe is...576 bytes (49 worda) - 04:04, 22 Hreðmonað 2018
- on Norðerne Īrlandes ēasternan sǣhealfe. Hire mæste burg is Belfast, þe is Uladstires mæste burg, and hēafodburg (oþþæt Belfast ligþ ēac in Dūnscīre)...524 bytes (42 worda) - 18:38, 14 Haligmonað 2019
- Lanercscīr is scīr on Scottum. Hiere land is Cleddǣl. Hiere mǣst burg is Glasgoƿ....216 bytes (14 worda) - 19:42, 25 Gēolmōnaþ 2021
- Lægreceastrescir is Bryttisc scīr on Englum. Hēo ligþ on Englalandes Midlandum. Þǣre scīre hēafodburg (and mǣst burg) is Lægreceaster....309 bytes (19 worda) - 18:21, 24 Solmonað 2023
- and Belfast Mere, þā bedǣlaþ hiē ƿiþ Antrimscīre. Belfast, se is Uladstires mǣst burg and hēafodburg, is Antrimscīre burg ac hēo ligþ ēac in Dūnscīre....645 bytes (74 worda) - 13:03, 7 Sēremōnaþ 2020
- Oxnafordscīr is scīr on Englum. Hiere mǣst burg is Oxnaford. Hiere sūþƿeard mearc is Temes ēa. Oxnafordscir Archived 2005-05-07 at the Wayback Machine...529 bytes (28 worda) - 23:16, 9 Æfterra Liða 2024
- Glēawċeastersċīr sind folc and Bryttisc scir on Englum. Þære scire heafodburg is Glēawċeaster seo stent on Sæferne þære ea ac hire mæst burg is Bricgstow....313 bytes (25 worda) - 19:18, 21 Blotmonað 2021
- of Seringum. Singapore hæfþ ān īegland and manig īgoþa. Hēo hæfð ān burg, and burg sƿa sƿa īeg hēt Singapore. Ðes naman menþ Lēoceaster. Miclu hȳð is Singapore...1 KB (73 worda) - 06:11, 19 Winterfylleð 2024
- Glamorgan (Ƿielisc: Morgannwg) is scīr on Wēalum. Sēo scīr līð andlang þæs folces sūðernes sǣriman. Hiere mǣst burg is Cardiff. Ēac is Swansǣ in þǣre scīre....276 bytes (26 worda) - 21:34, 7 Sēremōnaþ 2020
- sūþhealf Ƿæþ ēa. Hiere oðre nama is Haddingatunscīr. Seo scīre hēafodburg is Haddingatun ac hiere mǣst burg is Dynbær. Ēac is Ēast Loðene geþingedōm....496 bytes (31 worda) - 11:42, 19 Gēolmōnaþ 2018
- Þisre scire heafodburg is Monmuþa æt hiere easternum ecge and his mæste burg is Casneƿyþ æ hiere westernum. Wylisce Axa seo ea iernð ðurh ðisre scire...445 bytes (37 worda) - 21:07, 28 Hreðmonað 2024
- is eald burg. On Rōƿarum ƿǣs hie Deva and on Bretƿealum Caerlegion, oþþe nū on Ƿylisce Caer. Legeceaster hæfþ hiere burgƿeall eall ymbe sēo burg. Se ēastermest...1 KB (117 worda) - 19:30, 25 Gēolmōnaþ 2021
- Loðene and Ƿest Loðene. Hire ōðer nama is Edinburgscīr. Sēo scīre mǣste burg is Edinburg. Ēac is Midloðene geþingedōm, ac Edinburg nis in þǣm geþingedōme...469 bytes (36 worda) - 02:36, 4 Eastermonað 2018