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Hloðwig van Beethoven

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Beethoven)
Mannbiliþ by Joseph Karl Stieler, 1820

Hloþwig van Beethoven (Niwþeodsc Ludwig van Beethoven, spricþ "LUD-vih fan BĒ-to-ven", 16 Gēolmōnaþ 1770[1]26 Hrēþmonaþ 1827) ƿæs Germanisc songcræftmann and pianosinga. Hē ƿæs ƿeorþliċ þæs hƿeorfendan tīman þāra Classiscan and Rōmantiscan ylda, and sƿā ān þāra grēatost sangcræftmanna eallan yldan ofstenþ.

In Bonne geboren, fōr hē tō Wīene and þǣr ƿunode in his ǣr tƿentigƿintrum, mid Joseph Haydne leornende and ƿæs sƿiftlic cūþ sƿā cræftful pianosinga. Þēah ƿearþ hē dēaf in his ǣr tƿentigƿintrum, þurhstōd hē tō ācræftenne and singenne.


[adihtan | adiht fruman]
Kurfürstliches Schloss

Beethoven ƿæs dohtorsusu Flemisc glīƿdrēammann þe ēac Hloþwig van Beethoven hǣtt (1712–1773) (Flemisc Lodewijk van Beethoven). Siþþan 1733 ƿæs se ielda Beethoven bass singere þæs geardes Cylnes, þe Kapellmeister ƿearþ. Se ieldra Beethoven hæfde ān sunu, Johann van Beethoven (1740–1792), þe sƿā þēoƿ ƿorhte, ēac tǣcende piano and fiðel tō earnienne gield.[2]

Johann ƿīfode Maria Magdalena Keverich in 1744. Hēo ƿæs dohtor Johannes Heinriches Keveriches, þe hēafodcōc þæs geardes Ercebiscopes Treueris ƿæs.[3]

Of þissum ƿīfunge ƿæs Beethoven in Gēolmōnþe 1770 geboren, and ƿæs on 17 Gēolmōnþe gefullede. Cildru þæs tīman oft ƿǣron gefullode on þǣm dæge æfter beorþ, ac biþ hit tō menn uncūþ gif gefullode ƿæs Beethoven.[4] Hit is cūþ tō menn þæt his cynn, and his lærere Johann Albrechtsberger mǣrsodon his beorþdæg on 16 Gēolmōnþes.

  1. Beethoven wæs on 17 Gēolmōnþes gefullede; his beorþdæg—gewunelīċe cūþ sƿā 16 Gēolmōnþes—nis cūþlīce cūþ
  2. Grove Onlīn, underdǣl 1
  3. Thayer, Vol 1, p. 49
  4. Thayer, Vol 1, p. 53