(Edlǣded of Sonyȝeȝyld)
Sonygegyld (on Iapanisce hātte ソニー株式会社 oþþe Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha), þe ēac hātte ānfealdlīce Sony, is Iapanisc manigrīcisc gemanggegyld þe hafaþ hēafodstōl on Conane on Minatwe on Tociowe Iapanes.[1] Sonygegyld is ān þāra hēafodwyrcenda spearcsearwa on folclīcum and cræftweorclīcum cēapstōwum.[2]
Sonygegyld is spearcsearulīc cēapunge tōdǣlness and fædergegyld þæs Sonyhēapes, þe dēþ bige þurh his six wyrcendra dǣla. For þissum is Sonygegyld ān þāra brādostena glīwgegylda þǣre worulde.