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Micel Geþoftscipes Tillþoþer

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of MLB)
Micel Geþoftscipes Tillþoþer
Major League Baseball
Nūliċ tīma oþþe camp:
2024 Æþele Lega Baasbeall tīma

Micel Geþoftscipes Tillþoþer
Pleȝa Tillþoþer
Onsteald Þēodlic Lega (NL), 1876; 148 years ago (1876)[1]
Americanisc Lega (AL), 1901; 124 years ago (1901)
National Agreement signed, 1903; 122 years ago (1903)
Merged into one organization, 2000; 25 years ago (2000)[2]
Fyrst tīma 1876
Hū mæniȝ tēamas 30
Rīċa Cænada
Geanedan Ricu
Most recent ċeampmenn Lōsandgelis Dodgers
Mǣst ċeampscipas Niweoforwicburg Yankees
(27 ċeampscipas)
Rihtƿebbsīde https://www.mlb.com

Micel Geþoftscipes Tillþoþer Niwenglisc: Major League Baseball) oþþe MLB is tillþoþer geþoftscipe on þæm Geanedan Ricu ond Canadaland. Þǣr earun 32 geferrædenes on þæm geþoftscipe.