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Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Lyft/ᚱᚢᚾ)
Man cann ƿel sēon hū lyft ƿēgeþ þurh rēocgrotu on hire

Lyft is dāhbyrdness (ēac ƿǣtan and fæstandtimbre). Nēah fullre lēasnesse hātes, andtimbmer is fæst. Þā andtimber sīe geƿyrmed þā melte þæt andtimber and ƿierþ hit ƿǣta be hātgemete meltunge; hit ƿierþ lyft be hātgemete ƿylmes, and gif man hǣte hit genōh ƿeorðe hit spearclyft on þǣre þā spearcinclu bēon sƿā bespearcod þætte hīe alǣten heora fædermotu fram binnan lyfte. Unblanden lyft mōt standan on ānlīcum motum (þæt is, motlyft sƿilce ƿeoloclyft), hēafodgesceaftgemotum þā sind geƿorht framm ānum cynne mota (sƿilce æðmlyft), oþþe gebundengemot of missenlīcum motum (sƿilce cōltƿiæðmlyfttimber). Lyftgemang ƿolde healdan missenlīc unblandenra lyfta, sƿā sƿā is sēo lyft þǣre Eorðan þæs lyfthelmes. Man ascēadeþ lyfte fram ƿǣtan and fæstum andtimbrum þurh þā grēatan feorrnesse betƿuh ǣlcum lyftgrote. Þēos feorrness geƿunelīce dēþ ungeblēode lyfte ungesȳnlīce menn.