Lydƿic (Frencisc: Bretagne, Lydƿica Ƿylisc: Breizh) is land in Franclandes ƿestnorþ dæle se ƿæs ær ƿestern Armorica in þære Rēmiscan ylde. In Engliscum bōcum æfter Ƿillelmes Cyninges tōcyme hāt þis land Bretland.
Lydiƿiccas ƿæron Bretƿealas þā fōren ofersǣ of Breten be þæm Engla Tōcyme and setledon hēr. Hie geƿrōhtedon hiera agan rīcu and æfter manigum ƿintrum ƿæron hie geāned. Lydƿica rīce ƿæs sundor cynerīce oððæt ðe hit underbēah þæm Francna Cyninge se dubbede hiera cyning sƿa 'heretoga'. In 1532 beǣƿede Anne Lydƿica Ducesse mid Carl VIII Francna Cyning and æfterƿeard his ierfan se ƿæs Hloðƿig XII Francna Cyning and þissum ǣƿum geānlǣhtede Bretland mid Francna Rīce æfter Anne Cƿēne dēaþe in 1532 þe hit bēon underrīce in dryhtendōme sƿa sƿa sundorþēod þæs cynedōmes.
Lydƿica land het manēac 'sēo Lǣsse Breten' for his landþēodes frūma. His ecgas sind on brīme benorþen, besūðen and beƿesten: his norþrim is se Sūþsǣ and Ƿestsǣ is beƿesten him. His rȳmþ is 13,136 mīla2 and his onƿunendas sind 4,475,295.