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Of Kom Beorge ūt in Pulgaralandes ƿestdæle

Hæmus þā beorgas oferƿrēogaþ in Illyrices ēastdæle. Þes hlāƿhēap rynþ 350 mīla of Vrashka Chuka þæm beorge on þære landgemearce betƿuh Pulgarum beƿesten and Serbum beēasten þurh Pulgaralandes middeldæle to Æmonnæsse on Euxines sǣrīme. His hēastan dūnas sindon in Middelpulgaralande. Se hēasta topp is Botev, se stent æt 7,792 fōtum ofer þæm brīme.

In þissum beorgum is micel fæger and gefrǣge blōmacynn and dēorcynn. Eþelhƿīt blōƿeþ hēr in Kozyata stena þæm lande. Hēalic land sind in þæm Middelhæmus Þēodiscan Edisce mid hid stēopum hliþum, Illyrices hēastan ƿæterfeal and rīc ƿyrtcynn. Europan micel dēor oneardiaþ þissum dūnas; her sind beran, ƿulfas, bāras, chamois and heorotas.

In geardagum hataþ þā beorgas on Crēacum Αἷμος þærof ƿrāt Rōmƿare Haemus Mons on Lædne. In þære Pulgariscan gereorde and on Serbisce secgþ man Стара планина (Stara planina) se menþ, "Se Ealda Beorg".

Leorneras ne ƿitaþ hƿærof cymþ sƿylc nama 'Hæmus'. Hie hycgað þe he mōtan of Crēacna ƿorde αἷμα bēon (se is 'blōd') oððe of ƿorde þæs Traciscan gereorde þone naman ƿit ac hie hycgaþ *saimon, menþ 'beorghēap'.

Folclār þāra Ealdcrēac secgþ þe Zeus hiere deofolgield feaht Typhon dūnes æghlæc, and Zeus derode Typhon mid þunre þe Typhones blōd feall on þæm dūnlande and for þissum þinge habbaþ þās hlāƿas þone naman Αἷμος, se is 'blōd'.[1]


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