(Edlǣded of Hēafodsīde)
Her man mæg findan cyþþe be manigum þingum geond middangeard, gewriten on ealdra Engla gereorde, þe Englisc hatte. Wearnung: Gewit þu heonan gif þu Ænglisc leornian wille, for þon þe þæt Englisc her on biþ oftost swiðe yfel. Swelce twegen menn cunnon Englisc wel and hie nyllaþ þas stowe gebetan.
Please refer to the Grammar and Writing style guide and Old English self-correction checklist when contributing to the Old English Wikipedia.
- Gewritu be þæm Englum
- Wicinga ieldu • Hæðenscipe • Island • Winland
- Missenlicu gewritu
- Gecorene gemynddagas
Gecorene gemynddagas
22. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1879 - Britisc here in Zululande ƿæs geflȳmed æt sæcce be Isandlwana.
- 1901 - Æfter þe hē hæfde heold þā titule Wēala Þeoden for siextig ƿintrum, fang Ēadƿeard VII Cyning to rice and he ƿæs se ieldsta mann to fengan tō þǣm Bretta rīce in Brittiscum stǣre.
- 1905 - Russisc Onƿendung: Cempas þæs Russena Cyninges ƿælhrēoƿlīce cƿealdon friðsum oncƿeðeras þæt Gapon Prēost lǣde, būtan þǣm Ƿinter Healle in Sanctes Petresbyrig on Blōdigan Sunnandæge.
- 1973 - Roe ƿið Ƿade: Se Ealdordōmærn þāra Geānedra Rīca American geaf his dōm in hefige cƿide on ofdrǣfunge.
- 1980 - Man Andrei Sakharov hæfted in Moscoƿ, þæt ƿæs unlȳtel forþframmere þæs Sofiet hydrogen byrstend and ƿinnere þæs 1975 Nobel Peace Prize, and hē ƿæs ellende in Gorki þǣre ceastre (seo hæfþ nū hiere ǣrnaman Nicgnig Nofgorod).
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