(Edlǣded of Feorrsíen)
Sēo feorrsīen is mechanisc tōl for brādƿeorpunge and feccunge ƿendendra biliða and sƿēga ofer feorrnesse. Þis ƿord mearcaþ ēac ealle dǣlas þæs feorrsīenendebyrdes and ofersendunge.
Þæt Nīƿenglisce word, television, is dōcƿord, and cymþ of Crēcisce and Lǣdene. Tele- is þæt Grēcisce ƿord for "feorr", and "-vision" is of Lǣdene visio, "sīen".
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .