(Edlǣded of Biblioþece)
Sēo Biblioþēce is sēo hālige bōc on cristendōme. Hēo tellað six and sixtig bēc and tƿegen dælas, þā Ealdan Ǣ (oððe þæt Eald Testamentum) and þā Niƿan Gecȳðnese (oððe þæt Niƿ Testamentum). Be þǣm Romiscan getel cuman þære Ealdan Ǣ mare bēc tō, þe on þǣre Ednīƿodanrīstendomlican Biblioþēcan ne gefunden ƿeorðan; hī sindon: Daniel and þa þrie cild, Ƿisdomes Boc, Ecclesiasticus, Iudiþ, and þā tƿa bēc Machabeorum.

Þa bec on þære Ealdan Æ
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Genesis oþþe seo forme boc Moyse
- Exodus, þæt is "utgang", oþþe seo oþer boc Moyse
- Leuiticus oþþe seo þridde boc Moyse
- Numeri, þæt is "getel", oþþe seo feorðe boc Moyse
- Deuteronomium, þæt is "oþer lagu", oþþe seo fifte boc Moyse
- Iosua
- Dōmas (þæt boc Iudicum, þæt is "demena boc")
- Ruþ
- Seo forme boc Samuelis oþþe forme Cyningsboc (be þæm romiscan getel). Þa Englisce on þære Middenan Ǣ heoldon be þære Lædenan Biblian, and hi recnodon feoƿer Cyningsbec. Niƿu recning cymð of þæm protestantum.
- Seo oþer boc Samuelis oþþe oþer Cyningsboc (be þæm romiscan getel)
- Seo forme Cyningsboc oþþe þridde Cyningsboc (be þæm romiscan getel)
- Seo oþer Cyningsboc oþþe feorðe Cyningsboc (be þæm romiscan getel)
- Seo forme Stærboc
- Seo oþer Stærboc
- Esra oþþe Esdras
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Iob
- Saltere
- Bigspellboc oþþe Parabole
- Ecclesiastes oþþe Lareoƿboc, þæt is "ealra þeoda ræd"
- Heahleoð oþþe Solomones Leoð, þæt is "ealra sanga fyrmest"
- Isaias
- Ieremias
- Sorgleoð
- Esechiel
- Daniel
- Osee
- Iohel
- Amos
- Obadias
- Ionas
- Micheas
- Nahum
- Abbacuc
- Sefanias
- Haggai
- Secharias
- Maleachi
Þa bec on þære Niƿan Æ
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
- Þæt Godspell be Matteus
- Þæt Godspell be Markus
- Þæt Godspell be Lucas
- Þæt Godspell be Iohannes
- Þa Apostoldæda
- Seo Bref Pauli to Romƿaran
- Seo Forme Bref Pauli to Korinthiƿaran
- Seo Oþer Bref Pauli to Korinthiƿaran
- Seo Bref Pauli to Galatiƿaran
- Seo Bref Pauli to Efeseƿaran
- Seo Bref Pauli to Filipiƿaran
- Seo Bref Pauli to Kolosseƿaran
- Seo Forme Bref Pauli to Þessalonikiƿaran
- Seo Oþer Bref Pauli to Þessalonikiƿaran
- Seo Forme Bref Pauli to Timoteo
- Seo Oþer Bref Pauli to Timoteo
- Seo Bref Pauli to Tito
- Seo Bref Pauli to Filemone
- Seo Bref to þæm Ebreiscum
- Seo Bref Iacobi
- Seo Forme Bref Petri
- Seo Oþer Bref Petri
- Seo Forme Bref Iohanni
- Seo Oþer Bref Iohanni
- Seo Þridde Bref Iohanni
- Seo Bref Iudae
- Seo Ontynung to Iohanne
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- On þære Engliscan Biblian: S.J. Crawford, The Old English Version of the Heptateuch, Ælfric's Treatise on the Old and New Testament and his Preface to Genesis. Early English Text Society 160. Oxenaford: Oxford University Press, 1922