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Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Bæselbǣl)
Ǣn baasbeall spēdiende, bǣt swingiende.

Baasbeall (ᛒᚪᚪᛋᛒᛠᛚᛚ) (Niwenglisc: baseball) oþþe baasþōðer is ǣ bǣlbāt spēd sport spēd on an feld bī twā tīema gegn eallþēodig. On baasbeall, ā player on ān tīem þrēaw ǣ smæl hringeriht bæll at ā player on þæt ōðer tīem, sē þē hētē him mid ǣ bǣt hitian. Þonne þæt player þe hitað þæt bæll sceal rinnan ymbe þæt feld. Players gēt rinnan bī rinnan ymbe on fōl cyricle ymbe þrīe stōwa on þā grund gecīged bæses, tō bæc hwǣr hī ēacan, þæt is gecīged hāmplat. Hī habbaþ tō dō þis būtan beƿunden bī þām players on þæt ōðer tīem.

Baasbeall ārās on þā Unīedan Rīc on þā 1700 and 1800. Fela folca in Norþan Mǣrice, Sūþan Mǣrice, and Ēastan Asie spēlaþ baasbeall, ac sē spēd is mǣst cnāwen on þā Geanedan Ricu America and Iapan. On þā Unīedan Rīce, baasbeall is hāten sē folcspēd, forþan swā manige folc on þā Unīedan Rīce ǣr spēndan micle ǣrran tīman spēliende or onseondende baasbeall spēda."

Hū bæselbǣl spēd is gespīeled

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Ā spēd baasbeall is gespīeled bī twā tīema on ā baasbeallfeld. Ǣlces tīemes hafaþ nigon players. Þǣr sind eac fēower offreras. Is ān for þǣre þǣre geongran players spēlaþ. Offreras seƿiaþ ǣlc þingc cearfullice tō ġecīgenne hwæt ġesyne wæs, dōn ārwung be ǣlcre spēde, and bewarian þæt ǣlc fylge þās ǣ. baasbeall regolas.

On ā baasbeall feld, sind fēower bæses. Þā bæses ġeƿyrcaþ ā dīēamond þe gæþ ymb þā feld tō þā riht fram þǣre ġrundung bæses. Þā ġrundung bæses is cīeged hāmplat. Hāmplat is ā fifsyde, ǣt is ān fīf sidan. Fyrst bæs is on þām riht sidan þæs feldes, ōðer bæs is æt þām hēafde þǣre ġrundung, þridd bæs is on þǣre lyft sidan þæs feldes, and hāmplat is æt þǣre bæc þǣre feldes, þǣr sē cæccere spēlaþ.

Þā spēd is gespīeled on iningum. Ēacennisse baasbeall spēda hafaþ nigon ininga. On ā ining, ǣlc tīem hafaþ ān tūrn tō batianne and trywan tō sċorian rinnan, ādagian āne pund. Þonne ān tīem hitað þā bæl, sē ōðer tīem wearþīað and trywaþ tō ġyt þrīo players on þā ōðer tīem ūt. Sē tīem þe spīelieþ wæpsaþ ǣfre þæt bæl. Þis is ġedāl ġewiss fram ōðrum tīemespēdum. Þonne sē tīem on wæpsung geslihþ þrīo players ūt, hit is hiera tūrn tō trywan and sċorian rinnan. Þonne sē tīem þe on ǣrwun wæs begint wæpsian, and sē tīem þe wæs wæpsig begint batianne. Æfter nigon iningum, sē tīem þe hæfþ þā mǣst rinnan is þæt ǣrra. Gif þā tīemas habbaþ þā same getel rinnan, hī spīelaþ mā ininga oþ þæt ān tīem sie sīe wīnnende. On fruman þās spēdes, sē hāmtīem bitt, þā ǣrre tīem batiat. Ān tīem mæġ batian on āne stund āt āne tīman.

Þæt baasbeallfeld, oððe dīēamond, hafaþ twēgen hlīew hēafod, þæt ġrundung and þæt ūtġrundung. Sē ġrundung is þǣr þā fēower bæses sind. Sē ūtġrundung is bīeast þām bæsas, fram þǣre gesiht hāmplat. Þā līnan fram hāmplat tō fyrst bæs and hāmplat tō þridd bæs sind þā sċre, and þā ġrund utan þæra līna is cīeged sċreland. Bæl þe is geslihþ mid ām bæte.

Oþere gewritum

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]