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Wīnlendisc cystel

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Ƿīnlendisc Cystel
Ƿīnlendisc Cystel hlēaf and hnyte
Ƿīnlendisc Cystel hlēaf and hnyte
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Plantae
Stefn: Magnoliophyta
Flocc: Magnoliopsida
Hād: Fagales
Cnēoris: Fagaceae
Cnōsl: Castanea
Cynn: C. dentata
Twinemniendlic nama
Castanea dentata
(Marsh.) Borkh.

Ƿīnlendisc Cystel (Castanea dentata) is micel bēam þæs bēcan cynnes, þe þēodisc Norðamerican is. Fore þone cystel blæc, hēo ƿæs ān þāra mǣste ƿeorþlica ƿudulanda bēama hire eardes. Þǣr sind nū feaƿe eald trēoƿu þisses cyndes, būton hƿǣr man hīe in unblæclicum eardum stealde.


[adiht | adiht fruman]

Ƿīnlendlisc Cystel is sƿīfte ƿeaxende sumorgrēne heardƿudu bēam, þe oþ 100–150 fēt (30–45 m) micel and 10 fēt (3 m) brad ƿiext, and eardaþ fram Maine and sūðernum OntarioMississippi, and fram þǣm Atlantiscum ƿaroðe tō þǣm Appalaceanum Beorgum and Ohio Dene.

Þǣr sind mænig gesibbcynn cystela, beinnende þā Europisc Sƿētan Cystele, Cīnisc Cystele, and þā Iapanisc Cystele. Hire lārcræftig nama, Castanea dentata, cymþ of þǣm tōþum hire hlēafa, þe 5–8 yncas lang (14–20 cm) and 3–4 yncas brad (7–10 cm) sind. Þās sind lēohtlic scortor and brador þonna þe fram þǣm Sƿētum Cystele. Sēo ƿiþblæclice Cīnisc Cystel nū biþ sēo mǣste folclice cystel þe man in þǣm G.R. stelþ. Þā cystela bēoþ in þǣm bēcum cynne, mid bēce and ǣc, ac ne sind gesibbod tō þǣre hors cystele, þe in þǣm cynne Sapindaceae is.

Ƿīnlendisc Cystel

Sēo Ƿīnlendisc Cystel is grēatu berestre hnyta, mid þrēo hnutum in ǣlcum scēaðgum burre. Þā hnyte ƿeaxaþ þurh þǣre læstum healfe sumores, þā burras ōpenende and tō þǣm grunde feallende nēah þone fyrst fylforst.

Sēo Ƿīnlendisc Cystel ƿæs sƿīðe ƿeorþlic bēam for ƿildlīfe, giefende fela fōda tō Hƿīttægl Dēore and Ƿild Tyrcig. Sƿeart Beras cūðdon tō etenne þā hnyte for oferƿintera.