(Edlǣded of Īwungplegtōl)
Īwunggamensearu (on Nīƿenglisce hāteþ gaming console) is efenƿyrcende plegspearctellend oþþe ƿended spearctellendebyrdness þe forþbirþ īƿungcræft þe cann ƿesan gebrocen þurh īƿungsearu (feorrsīen, spearctellīƿungsearu, and sƿā forþ) tō īeƿenne īƿungplegan. Mann brȳcþ þæt ƿord "īƿunggamensearu" tō ascēadenne searu þe is synderlīce tōmearcod tō plegenne īƿungplegan fram sundorspearctellendum, þe hafaþ manig ƿeorc, and fram glēoīƿungsearƿum, þā sind tōmearcod for þǣm þā bycgaþ hīe tō brūcenne tō āscienne feoh tō plegenne mid him.