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Kate Sheppard

Fram Wikipǣdian
Katherine on þǣm 1905. gēare

Katherine Wilson Sheppard, hātte scortlīce Kate Sheppard, (wæs geboren þæs 10. Hrēðmōnðes þæs 1847. gēares - cwæl þæs 13. þæs Æfterran Līðan þæs 1934. gēares) wæs sēo brēmoste agylde New Zealand Women's Suffrage and þæs landes brēmost wīfa rihta lēodwearde cēosunge fyrðestre. Biliþ hire andwlitan is on þǣm Nīwes Sǣlandes tīenra dalera paperincle. For þȳ Nīwes Sǣlandes lēodweard ǣrost on þǣre worulde gelīfde wīfa riht lēodwearde cēosunge on þǣm 1893. gēare, Katherinan weorc wæs ēac hefig on ōðrum wīfa rihta lēodwearde cēosunge brǣdunga on sumum landum.