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Edward Hungerford (Hungerford Market)

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Sir Edƿard Hungerford

Sir Edƿard Hungerford (ƿæs geboren þæs 1632. gēares – cƿæl þæs 1711. gēares), ƿæs Englisc gegylda Ƿitena Gemōtes of þǣm 1659. gēare oþ þæt 1702. gēar, þe ƿæs þæt endemeste gēar þæs rīces Ƿilhelmes III. Hē ƿæs mǣre for his lysre gebǣre, and staðolode hē Hungerford Market, æt Charing Cross tō ƿeligunge searƿe, and bebohte þritig hēafodbotla, ēac bebohte his mǣgþsetl æt Fearnlēage Hungerforda, tō gȳmenne his oferrane drohtnaþ.

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