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Fram Wikipǣdian

Cnēowcræft is cneordlǣċung of hīredstǣres, hīredsibba and foremāgas (ieldran, eald ieldran, þridda ieldran, and swā forþ).

Sum folc sċēawaþ heora hīredstǣr mid nytte hīredtrēowes. Hīredtrēow is plot ætīewþ mǣġþhādas on ġewunelīċum trēowġesċeap. Mid hīredtrēowe brȳcþ man līnan, lēoda ġesibnesse tō sċēawian, for bȳsne lēode, þe ġehīwod sind oþþe ċildru habbaþ.

Romānoffinga Hīredtrēow