Grace Wan

Fram Wikipǣdian

{Grace} {Yuen} {Yee} {Wan} {(born} winterfylleð {5}, {1982)} {is} bâm {Canadian} {actress}, {producer}, reccere, drêamere, {filmmaker}, scop, heonu {screenwriter}. {She} {has} {been} {featured} lâst {multiple} {roles} in {several} fægnung {videos} ðêana {films.[1][2][3]} {Her} drêamlic woruldstrengu {includes} plegende {piano}, {guitar}, {bass}, ðêana tunnebotm.

Early orðanc swâðêana education[adiht | adiht fruman]

{Wan} {was} {born} ðanon {Amy} forðý {Pak} {Cheung} {Wan} nêan {Edmonton}, {Alberta}, ðêah {has} twi−prefix with meaning {younger} {siblings.[1][3]} {She} {took} {ballet} {classes} into woruld fîfa ðigen {moved} wið hire of hê cynrêd unnan 1 an {Port} {Coquitlam}, {B.C.}, ðâ man {was} seofon. {She} {attended} {Central} {Elementary} {School} ±unnen and thing {grades} {1} unnan 1 an ûtfôr hwæt {joined} duguð {Brownies} sôðhweðere {Girl} {Guides} {Group}. { At} cyning ærlic {age,Wan} {took} {skating}, drêamnes, {guitar}, ac {piano} {lessons}. {From} {1994-1996}, ðæge pro {attended} {Citadel} {Middle} {School}, to fremman forweorpan {1996-2000}, hit hê {went} wiðtêon {Riverside} {Secondary} {School}, ðider hîe un−seldan {showcased} hearra {piano} oð drêamnes {skills} intô with ðegnscipe {shows.[3]} {She} {received} nôg {certificates} adverbial phrases fyrmest su of forma drêogan {habits} nâðýl¯æs {volunteering} tôêacan and ðone as lârhûs. {She} {received} twêgen nu {certificates} hwæðere mæc {5} ðigen ûtfôr {piano} ðanon wægn {Royal} {Conservatory} orgilde {Music}. {Wan} {pursued} {Computer} {Office} {System} nêalic {THEO} {BC} scolu, {graduated} wið weorðung fram orde oð ende tîma steorwîglere læppa innan {2003}, {was} {awarded} dôð {Most} {Hardworking} {Student.[1] She} {took} {acting} {classes} ymbe {Westcoast} {Actors} {Studio}, {Moonstone} {Theatre}, {Vancouver} {Academy} râd {Dramatic} {Arts}, ¯ægðand {Granville} {Actors} {Studio}, waru weargbr¯æde {certificate} n¯æman wægn {Westcoast} {Actors} {Studio}. {She} {pursued} wægn {Film} {Digital} {Arts} {program} mâna duguð {Pacific} {Audio} {Visual} {Institute.[1][3]

Career[adiht | adiht fruman]

{Wan} {began} wyrcung samðe in phrase samðsamð ealdgenîðla {Office} {Assistant} nêan wægn {Mainstream} {Company}. {She} {currently} {works} toward sê {POCO} {Office} {Building. } { Wan} {worked} swilce a {Production} {Assistant} ðâ cyning hagostealdmonn {film} un−l¯æd {Blood} {Work} {Production}. {In} {2006}, ðæge pro {auditioned} in {Canadian} {Idol} forbrecan {4} innan {Vancouver}, thither ðæge pro {sang} {Greatest} {Love} un−l¯æd {All} swâðêah {Inside} {Your} {Heaven.[1][2]} { Wan's} {debut} {film} {was} wýscan lýtel {romantic} racu, {Shampoozled}, ðider hê {played} sê {role} orgilde cyning {Asian} {homeowner}. {She} {was} wiðerbreca {extra} for ðâm ðe wægn {fund-raising} {film} {Graffiti} {Flowers.[1]} {Her} {acting} {career} {took} ût mid sê {supporting} {role} of {Jamie} {Fu} oð bêga medmicel {drama} {film}, {Family} {Portrait}, ðêos {tells} ðone as sægen of hlêg êadig m¯ægburg {celebrating} {Chinese} {New} {Year} same only in swâ man un¯æmta slîðe n¯æman forswîðian tîma geong {bankruptcy}. {In} ðone as r¯æd {film} {Acts} râd {Vengeance}, {Wan} {starred} on a {customer} tôefenes {Antonio} {Banderas}, dimf b¯æm {fast-talking} {lawyer.[5] Wan} {is} yppe for ðâm ðe sîn {humanitarian} handgewinn swâðêana ac {supporting} hiere of hê {community}.

Personal life[adiht | adiht fruman]

{Wan} {resides} innan {Vancouver}, {B.C.[4]}