Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/6 Solmonaþ
6. dæg Solmonþes: Waitangi Dæg in Niwum Sælande (1840)
- 1819 - Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles staðelode Singapore sƿā nīƿe trading post for þǣm Bryttiscan Ēastindea Tēoge.
- 1820 - Sponsored by the Americanisc Colonization Fērscipe, the first 86 African American immigrants gestaþolde landbūnes in þǣm land þæt is nŪ Liberia.
- 1922 - Francland, Italia, Iapan, se Geānede Cynerīce, and þā Geānedan Rīcu sealden hiera handa þone Ƿashington Naval Treaty to limit flotherelic wæpnas.
- 1952 - Sēo Ducesse of Edinbyrig fang to rīce hwīle e hēo wæs in Cenie. Hēo then came down from a trēohūs sƿā Elisabeþ II Cwēne.
- 1959 - Jack Kilby filed the swutolgewrit for the first integrated circuit.