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Wēalas ƿera þēodlic fōtballtēam

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Shirt badge/Association crest
Ymbenama The Three Lions
Clīeƿen Football Association of Wales
Þoftscipe UEFA (Europe)
Hēafodƿita Craig Bellamy
Hēafodmann Aaron Ramsey
Mǣst caps Gareth Bale (111)
Betst tellere Gareth Bale (41)
Hāmstede Cardiff City Stadium
FIFA hād 29
Hēahst FIFA hād 8 (October 2015)
Niðost FIFA hād 117 (August 2011)
Elo hād 38
Hēahst Elo hād 3 (1876~1885)
Niðost Elo hād 88 (March 2011)
Fyrst ȝeondþēodliċ mæcca
 Scotland 4–0  Wēalas
(Glasgoƿ, Scotland; 25 March 1876)
Mǣst siȝe
 Wēalas 11–0  Īrland
(Ƿryhtelhām, Wales; 3 March 1888)
Mǣst fyl
 Scotland 9–0  Wēalas
(Glasgoƿ, Scotland; 23 March 1878)
Pleȝodon 2 (First in 1958)
Betst becyme Quarter-finals (1958)
European Championship
Pleȝodon 2 (First in 2016)
Betst becyme Semi-finals (2016)

Se Ƿēalas ƿera þēodliċ fōtballtēam stenþ for Wēalasum in betƿuxþēodliċum clīeƿen fōtballe and þȳ Wilisc Football Association anƿealded is, þā anƿealdas fōtballe in Wealas.