Micel Ficgīeg
Brim | Sericus Gārsecg |
Rīce | Ficgīege |
Hēafodburg | Sufa |
Bæceringmet | 17°48′S 178°0′E / 17.800°S 178.000°E |
Stede | 4,011 mīla2 |
Hēafodtopp | Tomanivi Beorg |
Hēanes | 4,573 fēt |
Mennscipe | 600,000 |
Sēo Micle Ficgīeg is þæt mæste īegland on þæm Ficgīegum. Hiere nama in his agansprǣce is Viti Levu (gesprōcen [ˈβitʃi ˈleβu]), and sƿlylc nama menþ 'Micelficcgīeg'.
Hēr stent þæs rīces hēafodstōl, se is Sufa and þēos īeg is eard þæs mæstan dalas his landfolces.
Land and fēoh
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Þis īegland þærin ƿuniaþ 600,000 menn þegneþ sƿa eallena Ficgīgena nafela. Be mēte is hit 91 mīla lang and 66 mīla brād and his stede is 4,573 mīla þæs feoƿerscīte.
Eorþƿitan aliefaþ þe seo Miclu Ficgīeg hæfþ in gamlum ieldum gebēon adrifen undersǣ manigfealde times, and þe heo hæfþ gebēon mid gemyltenum stāne ofergeƿreogon and mid ōþrum timbre of fȳrbeorge. Ēorþstyras and beorgena ætbyrstung ƿyhtað þisses īeglandes stīcola landscipe.
Micelficgīeg is in tƿǣm dalas gerecned, þā sindon bedæled by hēam hrycge se rynþ norþ to sūþ. Se ēasthealf þære īege þoleð under hefigum regne, hƿīlum in þæm ƿestdæle is þæt land drigor. Þȳ þiehð sƿētstycce in þære ƿesthealfe, hƿīlum meolccȳ grasiaþ in þæm ēastan dǣle. Ficgīegena mǣsta hriðertūn, mid 7000 hēafdum nēatena in his 27 feoƿerscytlicum mīlum, is æt Yaqara, healfƿeg betƿeox Tavua and Rakiraki.
Þisre īege middan is ƿealden and hēr rīseþ þisse īgena hēasta dūn se is Tomanivi Beorg (se hēt ēac Uictoriabeorg) þæs topp stent æt 4,344 fōtum ofer þæm sǣ.
Ānlice on þissum īegland mōt man findan þone Eoteniscan Ficgiscan langhorn ceafor, ān þisse ƿorulde mǣstan ƿyrma,.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Ūtan Sufa þærin oneardiaþ 580,000 menn sind fyrðra byrig ymbe his rīme, and onmong him sindon Ba, Lautoka, Nadi, Nausori, Rakiraki, and Sigatoka. Ān micel ƿeg timbrode man ymbe þære Miclan Ficgīege rīme. On þæm gcyþþnum stedum hēræt is Natadola Strand, Sericushȳð (strandƿic 30 mīla fram Sufan).
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Micelficgīeg aliefð man hæfþ gebēon bȳn lenger þon þæt norþerne īegland sēo is Vanua Levu. Sēo lār þāra ieldrum secgð ðe þā ǣrrestan Sƿearthȳdīegamenn þā setloden on þissum īeglandum lendedon æt Fudanæsse and gestaðoledon Fiseisei, se is, secgaþ ealdsecgan, Ficgīegena ieldsta ƿic, oððæt ðe ealdtīdesƿitan oþsacaþ þisne gelēafan.
Ūtƿearda hlencas
[adihtan | adihtan fruman] Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Miclan Ficgīege |