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Iustus (se forþferde on 10 Blotmonðes 627 oðþe 631) wæs se feowþe Ercebiscop of Cantawarabyrig Gregorius Papa sent Iustus fram Italie to Englalande þe he meaht gehweorfan Englacynn to heofonleóhtone. In 604 weard Iustus Bisceop of Hrofenceastre - se forma bisceop in þæm stole. In 614 begeald he ciricesynoðe in Paris in 614.

In þæm Cranic leornað we in 604:

Æfter Æþelbryht Cantwara Cyning stearf in 616 afliemde Iustus be niede to Gallia, ac he geanhwearf to his bisceoprice æfter anum wintre. In 624 weard Iustus Ercebiscop of Cantawarabyrig.