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Eallra Gerihtreccunga Mōdor

Fram Wikipǣdian
Douglas Engelbart in 1968

Eallra Gerihtreccunga Mōdor wæs circolwyrd-gerihtreccung gefremmed be Douglas Engelbart on 9. dæg Geolan 1968 æt þære geþæhte þære 'Association for Computing Machinery', þære 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' and þære 'Computer Society' in San Francisco þære ceastre. Man geaf þisne naman æfterweard.

Heo wæs gerihtreccung þærin getrahtode Engelbart niwu circolwyrdbysen seo hatte 'oN-Line System'. Healf oðer stud wæs his onwrigenness ðærin anywde he for þæm ærrsta cyrre manig grundweallas todæges hamcircolwyrda: egðyrl, ofergewrit, biliþcræft, fremfull widfering and bod, biliðgeþæhtcræft, þæt circolwyrdmus, wordwyrcness, earu ymelehlencung, adihtgewild, and efenwyrcungadihtere. Engelbartes getraht wæs seo forma seo æwunge ywde eall ðissa ðinga in anum bysene.