Beornweardestunnæs | |
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Bæceringmet NS998816 | |
Tælmet | |
Scir: | West Loðene |
Feorrspreca forerim: | 01506 |
Ærendrun: | EH51 |
Stowlicu toþegnung | |
Læppa: | Falkirk |
Beornweardestunnæs is burg and sæhyð on þæs Wæðes suðofre in West Loðene, seofentiene mila be norþwesten Edinbyrig and seofen mila be easten Folccirice. Ymbe 15,000 onwunendas hæfþ Beornweardestunnæs.
Ær wæs þes stede hyþ for Beornweardestun þone tun ac æfter manig gearum hæfþ seo hyð geweaxen þe his modorburg is in hiere dohtor forsweolgod.
Oð ðæm tweontigoþ gearhunde wæs in Beornweardestunnæs micel bisgu: her wæron col oran, sealtærn and crocwyrhtan. His stede is be þæm Wæðe þærof weax þeos burg and his hæfen.