Tiw (tungol)
(Edlǣded of Tīƿ (planēta))
Tacn | |
Micelnes: | 6.4171 x1023 kg |
Ymbryne | 686.98 dagas 249,232,432 kilometre - 249,232,432 kilometre |
Tiw (tacn: ) is se fēorða dweoligenda tungol þære sunnlican endebyrdnesse. His hwyrft þære Sunnan is 686.971 nihta. Of Eorþan līð 34,646,419 mila æt his niehsta tid.
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .
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Þā dƿeligendan tunglas: Ƿōden - Frig - Eorðe - Tīƿ - Þunor - Sætern - Uranus - Neptune | |||
Dƿeorhtungles: Ceres - Pluto - Haumea - Makemake - Eris | |||
Ōðer: Sunne - Mōna - Rūmstāngyrdel - Comētas - Kuiperes gyrdel - Gestrogden rand - Oortes ƿolcen | |||
Sēo ēac tungollicu þing and sēo sunnlicre endebyrdnesse getalu þinga, gedihted be ymbhringe oþþe ƿihte. |