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Seoh (ærre 20 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • Thumbnail for Wikimedia Commons
    Wikimedia Commons is geweorc underlegd fram þǣre Wicimedian Staðelunge (Wikimedia Foundation). Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire...
    185 bytes (22 worda) - 13:27, 25 Winterfylleð 2022
  • Seo Niwenglisce spræc (Niwenglisc: Modern English language) is Germanisc spræc, þe on Englalande aras. Heo belimpð, swa swa seo Þeodisce spræc and seo...
    11 KB (947 worda) - 20:31, 10 Sēremōnaþ 2024
  • Thumbnail for Geanedan Ricu America
    Þa Geanedan Ricu America is treowiendlicu cynewise þe mæste ligþ in Norðamerican. Hie gebyrdaþ norðne Cænadan and suðne Mexico. Hie habbaþ 50 rica and...
    8 KB (1,059 worda) - 11:30, 30 Hreðmonað 2024
  • Getalu þāra stærlicra gemynddaga. Bysen:Gerimboc Efenealde belimpas Gerimboc, to bysne Gregorisc gerimboc, Īrisc gerimboc Sīðemestan deaðas...
    9 KB (17 worda) - 23:00, 14 Weodmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Englaland
    Englaland is an mægþ (þe man England on nīƿan Englisc hæt) þe is se dæl þæs Geanedan Cynerices (þe man the United Kingdom on Modernan Englisc hæt). Hit...
    4 KB (281 worda) - 23:08, 15 Solmonaþ 2023
  • Thumbnail for Ġeānod Cynerīċe
    Þæt Ġeānode Cynerīċe Grēatre Brytene and Norþirlandes is cynerice on norðernre Europan. Man nemneþ hit sceortlice Ġeānode Cynerīċe oþþe UK (of Niƿenglisce:...
    5 KB (290 worda) - 18:34, 4 Þrimilcemonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Spēonland
    Spēonland oþþe Ispānia (Spēonisce: España) is folcwealdlic cynerice in Europan. His heafodburg is Madrid. Spena landgemære wið Francum is þa Pireni beorgas...
    2 KB (110 worda) - 15:35, 13 Haligmonað 2022
  • Thumbnail for Eoforwicsċīr
    Eoforƿīcsċīr is sēo mǣste scīr on þǣm Gāndan Cynerīce. Hiere hēafodburg is Eoforƿīc. Eoforƿīcsċīr is in þrim ealdfæstum dǣlum bedǣled, and þās earon sēo...
    902 bytes (53 worda) - 19:14, 21 Blotmonað 2021
  • Thumbnail for Þeodscland
    Seo Gebundene Cynewise Þeodisclandes (ond Germanie) (Þeodisc: Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is an þara woruldlædendra leodarice. Deutschland.de Archived...
    3 KB (35 worda) - 17:17, 27 Solmonaþ 2024
  • Her sind getalu þara scīra and angelīcena dǣla þæs Geānedan Cynerīces: Þæt Geāned Cynerīce hæfþ tƿa and hundnigontige scīra. Ēac hātaþ þisse scīra eardfæstan...
    34 KB (241 worda) - 20:55, 14 Sēremōnaþ 2024
  • Thumbnail for Francland
    Francland is micel land and eald on westernum Europan. In bræde astrecþ hit of Westsæ eastweard oð Rin þære ea and of Suþsæ be his norþrime oþ Wendelsæ...
    30 KB (356 worda) - 12:53, 17 Haligmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Europe
    Europe is ƿorulddǣl, se ƿestdǣl in Eurasian. Europe hæfþ 800 millionen lēoda. Man nemneþ hīe ƿorulddǣl be þēaƿe, ac þis ƿǣre þēaƿlicore þonne landlicore...
    1 KB (192 worda) - 02:50, 14 Hreðmonað 2018
  • Thumbnail for Canada
    Canada is land in Norðamerican. Þis land hæfþ 40 þusenda þusend menn. Niwe Englisc and Frencisc sind ambihtlica spræca. In norþ Niwu Scotlande folce spræc...
    2 KB (100 worda) - 04:58, 18 Hreðmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Russland
    Russland (Russisc: Россия, Rossiya or Российская Федерация, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya) biþ rice be Europan east and be Asie norþ. Þis land hæfþ 146,9 millionen...
    2 KB (281 worda) - 18:12, 25 Solmonaþ 2024
  • Thumbnail for Iapan
    Iapan (日本, Nihon oþþe Nippon) biþ īgland rīce in ēasternum Asie. Ligende in þǣm Sericus Garsecge, ligeþ hit beēasten þæm Iapaniscan sæ, and beēasten Cīnan...
    2 KB (193 worda) - 13:47, 4 Weodmonað 2024
  • This article needs translation from Englisc sprǣc. Please translate if you know Old English/Englisc gereord! Land þisre Ƿorulde...
    25 KB (19 worda) - 07:31, 28 Weodmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Polaland
    Polaland (Polisc: Polska [ˈpɔlska] ( listen)), oððe ambihtlice seo Polisce Cynewise (Polisc: Rzeczpospolita Polska [ʐɛt͡ʂpɔˈspɔlita ˈpɔlska] ( listen))...
    9 KB (239 worda) - 12:27, 5 Haligmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Italia
    Italia (Italisc: Italia [iˈtaːlja] ( listen) oþþe on Italisc: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]) is cynewise on westernum Europan, and seo hæfð...
    4 KB (168 worda) - 04:50, 20 Haligmonað 2024
  • Thumbnail for Asia
    Asia is þǣre Eorðan grēatest ƿorulddǣl in grīete and in landƿare, licgende mǣstlic in þǣm norþernean and sūðernean healftryndlum. Hit þecþ 8.6% of Eorðan...
    1 KB (180 worda) - 15:04, 8 Se Æfterra Gēola 2024
  • Thumbnail for Indea
    Indea land (Hindisc: भारत, Bhārat; sēo ēac ōðere naman) is land in sūðernre Asie. Indea rīce, ambihtlīċe sēo Indie Cyneƿīse, is selfƿealdend land. Indea...
    630 bytes (32 worda) - 21:43, 28 Mædmonað 2024
Seoh (ærre 20 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)