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Cnihtas þæm Temple

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Þis geƿrit ne brȳcþ langmearcas, oþþe hīe ne ƿel brȳcþ.

Bidde, ƿrīt langmearca in eallum stedum þe þurfaþ hīe.

Þa Cnihtas þǣm Temple ƿǣron herelica munucregol. Man hine gestaþolode in 1129 and in 1312 hine āstȳfecdon. Sē munucregoles fullnama ƿæs þa Earman Efenƿerod of Criste and of Salomanes Temple.

Þāra Cnihta forma Hēahbrego ƿæs Hugo of Payens. In þǣm gēare 1198 fōr he þurh Europan and on Bryten and sōhte gield for his munuchāde and ƿigan for fare in þǣm Hāligan Lande.[1]

Þa Cnihtas þæs Temple ƿǣron Europan ǣrrest unlæne gūþcræftiglīce fierd siððan þāra Rōmƿara ielde. Hie ƿearþ landƿeard þæs Ierusalem CynerīcesHattin Hornas Bēadƿe, sēo forgrund þā Cnihtas þæs Temple sƿa micel þrēat.

Hattin Hornas Bēadu

Se Hād þāra Cnihtas of þǣm Temple ƿearþ rīce, oþ 1312, þā Europan cyningas hine āstȳfecedon and ānāmon his fēoh.


[adihtan | adiht fruman]
  1. 1198: Ðes ilces geares com fram Ierusalem Hugo of þe temple to ðone kyng on Normandig, 7 se kyng him underfeng mid micel ƿurðscipe, 7 micele gersumes him geaf on gold 7 on silure, 7 siððon he sende him to Englalande, 7 þǣr he ƿæs underfangen of ealle gode men, 7 ealle him geauen gersume 7 on Scotlande ealsƿa, 7 be him senden to Ierusalem micel eahte mid ealle on gold 7 on silure, 7 he bebead folc ut to Ierusalem, 7 þa for mid him 7 æfter him sƿa micel folc sƿa næfre ær ne dide siððon þæt se firste fare ƿas on Urbanes dæi pape þeah hit litel behelde. He seide þæt fulle feoht ƿas sett betƿenen ða Cristene 7 þa heðene. Þa hi þider comon ða ne ƿas hit noht buton læsunge. þus earmlice ƿearð eall þæt folc sƿengt.