(Edlǣded of Ȝeþingedōm)
Geþingdōm is fyrmest stōƿliċe tōþegnung dǣl in Scotlande. On Nīƿe Englisce secge man "council area".
In Scotlande sind tƿēgen and þrītig geþegndōmas:
- Aberdon
- Aberdonscir
- Anagus
- Argyll and But
- Clackmannanscir
- Dumfries and Galloƿeg
- Dundee
- East Ayrscir
- East Lefenax
- East Loðene
- East Renfreƿscir
- Edinburg
- Falkirk
- Fif
- Glasgoƿ
- Heahland
- Hjaltland
- Infercled
- Midloðene
- Moray
- Na h-Eileanan Siar (Uterra Suðreyar)
- Norþ Ayrscir
- Norþ Lanercscir
- Orcanege
- Perþ and Kinross
- Renfreƿscir
- Scyttisce Mære
- Striuelin
- Suþ Ayrscir
- Suþ Lanercscir
- Ƿest Lefenax
- Ƿest Loðene