Gēolmōnaþ 2004
(Edlǣded of Ȝēolmōnaþ 2004)
- Sēo dēaðes toln þǣre 9.0 micele eorþstyrennes and folgendra flōdȳða on 26um Gēolmōnþe is oferstigen 150,000 lēoda in 13 landum, þe ymbgāþ þone Indiscan Gārsecg. Indonesian ambihtǣrendraca tō Malaysian æfterspræc, þæt sēo endemeste dēaðes toln in Indonesian ānum oferstīge 400,000. Betwuxþēodlic ælmesfull swinc forþgǣþ tō helpenne þǣm tībrum. Nīwes Gēares Dæges begangnessa in manigum landum sind gestilloda, undōna, oþþe gebrȳceda tō gietenne helpgield.
- Victor Ianucowic ālǣteþ his stede swā Forma Ambihtmann in Ucrānes æfter þǣm þe hē ēod tō Victor Iusccenco.
- Se worulde ūplengesta rodorscrapere, Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan wierþ sweotollīce openod.
- Fȳr æt Buenos Aires nihtsealtunghūs Repūblica Cromagnon dēaðode 182 and āderode 714.
- Sēo strengeste eorstyrennes in 40 gēarum, mid micele æt 9.0, styrede þone Indiscan Sǣholm nēah Sumatran; styrennessa and folgende flōdȳða ātȳdrodon mā þonne 44,000 dēaðas in Taprabane, Indealande, Indonesie, Thailande and ōðrum nēam ōfra landum.
- Strīmunglǣdere Victor Iusccenco wierþ gesigfæstnod of the rerun of the runoff presidential election in Ukraine, with 12,000 international observers acting as supervisors.
- The first survey of language use in China reveals that only 53 percent of its population can communicate in Standard Mandarin, þæt ambihtlice gesprocene geþēode þæs landes.
- Ēastrīcisce lǣces sægdon þe Victor Iusccenco, lǣdere þǣm Ūcrainisc wiðerstealle, wæs geǣtred.