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Ōðru Woruldgūþ

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ)
Infaru tō Normandiȝe, D-Dæȝ

Sēo Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ ƿæs þæt blōdigoste, deorƿierþoste, and hīehste geƿinn on nīƿlicum stǣre.

Hēo ongann on Asie mid þǣm anginn þæs Iapanisc-Cinisces Geƿinnes on 7e Mǣdmōnaðes 1939 and on Europan mid þǣre Wazi Germanie infare in Polalande on 1an Hāligmonaðes 1939, and þurhƿunode oþ þæt 1945, and geinnode mæst þāra ƿorulde rīca.

Sēo ēac

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